Soul Assassins Online !! 


For those who are fans of The Soul Assassins or just simply DJ Muggs, good news, they will be starting a digital music store soon. It will be featuring unreleased material from over the years and starts off with the DJ Muggs track "Call It How I See It", featuring Chace Infinite (of Self Scientific) and Krondon (of Strong Arm Steady). This track was recorded back in 2000 and will only be sold through the website. It will be going on sale according to the website at 12:01 am PST (Pacific Standard Time), Saturday October 18th. If you're from the Northeast or Midwest, the times are as follows: 3:01 am EST (Eastern Standard Time) /2:01 am EST (Eastern Standard Time).
Here is the link to the Soul Assassins' site

Added by: Menace, 30/Oct/08 | Comments: 0

Pace Won & Mr. Green “Children Sing” Video 

From recent release "The Only Color That Matters is Green.”

Added by: Menace, 30/Oct/08 | Comments: 0

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