Think about the mcs who don't got names people who just put up rap videos on youtube and only get like 5 views. That endless amount of rappers sound the same.
just listened to more songs from this guy, if you don't like artists that sound the same then i can't understand how you can possibly like dirt nasty, dirt nasty sounds like every pop singer i've ever heard
Dirt Nasty is better then all the pop singers because he knows his shit, he knows its a joke. And he will openly hint at it all the time in his music. And its just fun to hear about cholas that will shank your dick.
Message edited by Adam - Friday, 21/Oct/11, 6:18 AM
dirt nasty is the shit. and it's true what they say about underground rap. look at theres a bunch of wack boom bap shit i've heard a million times. if you wanna hate on dirt nasty then maybe u just need to get laid, cuz that shits funny.
I get bugged out about a lot of popular underground artists cuz they take their music so fuckin seriously. Ppl need to chill out and learn how to laugh. Dirt Nasty isn't pop, ppl are just getting mad that their favorite music is getting categorized into something they don't like so they're trying to categorize dirt nasty to something they don't like as well.