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Forum moderator: I_Guy, s0dr2, El_Matador  
Forum » Knowledge » Philosophy/Science » The theory of bullshit (by Me.)
The theory of bullshit
I_Guy Date: Tuesday, 20/Oct/09, 11:16 PM | Message # 16

Posts: 1792
Reputation: 1
Quote (ilikebacon3000)
So basically what your saying is that "The thought of defining a thought is a thought in itself" type thing? like its a circle of redundancy?


Quote (ilikebacon3000)
But what I'm also trying to get at is: If thoughts ARE nothing, do they need a body to attach to? Do they need a brain to be thought into exsistance? Is the brain just something that sort harbors someones spirit/soul/whatever throughout this lifetime?

Your definitely on the right track. But study into monism & dualism positions of the "mind/body mystery." It will help you if you study into that.

Quote (ilikebacon3000)
It's almost as if thoughts are a mind of it's own. A mind inside a mind, except the second mind is really a mind, meaning they are in face a mind of it's own? Fuck! I've been just thinking about this ALL DAY. It's one of those questions that simply can't be answered and it really really really irks me!

You have definitely covered a lot of ground by yourself. This is a philosophical issue that is well known. The concept to which you are referring (the mind within a mind), is known as the "homunculus." Gilbert Ryle called this concept "the ghost in the machine," in his arguments against dualism.

Quote (eboyd)
The biggest logical flaw you have is that you beg the question of the existence of this outer universe. In other words, you use circular logic by assuming that the OU exists and then trying to rationalize it's existence.

True, it's like a god argument.

Quote (8Diagrams)
I reccomend starting with Greek philosophers (IE, Plato, Socrates though Plato wrote what he said, Aristotle, etc.) unless they are one of the ones they are teaching you.

I would actually recommend reading more modern philosophers because many of the ancient philosophers (as impressive as they are) are a bit out dated and some of there philosophy has become obsolete. Most modern philosophers absorb the ancient philosophies that still apply into their new arguments. So the accumulation of "good" philosophies is usually already built in. So there isn't much (necessary) need to go backwards. But nevertheless it is still enjoyable reading (especially considering how long ago it was written) but it can be a bit thick beings it is translated and can be a bit archaic at times.

I would suggest reading philosophy from around the Enlightenment Period and on, because they absorb all the past good stuff into their philosophy and build upon it greatly. That's what's great about it, it's a continuous structure of ideas being built by hundreds of men who collaborate throughout time with thought. Every so often we reach a general consensus about some aging philosophies and can move on into more complex things with the past philosophies already built in. Luckily we can trust these sources. But read the old stuff if you'd like. It can help you understand all the sides of an argument even though you may be on the more correct side yourself, but it helps you to not make the mistakes that many in the past have made.

Quote (ilikebacon3000)
Anyone know where I can study philosophy very broadly for now, then get more in depth?

I would recommend the textbook "Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings" after you study logical arguments first, because the book doesn't contain much about logic formulation, but it offers plenty of philosophical arguments of all sides ranging over the most popular topics by providing writings from many philosophers (many modern). Many introductory college courses use it as a textbook.

We all know that each of our end is near; the question is do we accept the end of our living existence, or do we accept our existence as dead men...
eboyd Date: Wednesday, 21/Oct/09, 2:40 PM | Message # 17

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
If you want a more easy to digest philosophy book try "Coffee and Philosophy". It is inexpensive and it talks about philosophy using narrative of a conversation between three friends with differing philosophical views. It is easy reading considering the complexity of the arguments presented by philosophers. I think you will thoroughly enjoy it. You will also probably enjoy the excerpt in the book from Daniel Dennett creating a story to discuss his philosophy on the mind. It's a total mindfuck that makes for a very entertaining read at the very least.

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s0dr2 Date: Wednesday, 21/Oct/09, 4:10 PM | Message # 18

Posts: 2772
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Quote (eboyd)
If you want a more easy to digest philosophy book try "Coffee and Philosophy".

And I recommend for you a grammar book, where you would learn that the period goes BEFORE the quote!

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I_Guy Date: Wednesday, 21/Oct/09, 4:21 PM | Message # 19

Posts: 1792
Reputation: 1
Quote (sodr2)
And I recommend for you a grammar book, where you would learn that the period goes BEFORE the quote!

I would recommend a grammar book to you as well Sodr. Don't you know you shouldn't start you declarative sentences with "and."

We all know that each of our end is near; the question is do we accept the end of our living existence, or do we accept our existence as dead men...
TheWatcher Date: Wednesday, 21/Oct/09, 5:20 PM | Message # 20

Posts: 941
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Quote (I_Guy)
I would recommend a grammar book to you as well Sodr. Don't you know you shouldn't start you declarative sentences with "and."

Oh, you mean your declerative sentences? :p

eboyd Date: Wednesday, 21/Oct/09, 7:17 PM | Message # 21

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Sodr, in the UK, where English originated, people put the period after the quotation marks. I personally do it because this: "yada yada." Looks stupid to me and makes less sense than this: "yada yada".

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ilikebacon3000 Date: Wednesday, 21/Oct/09, 9:33 PM | Message # 22

Posts: 3979
Reputation: 1
Hey Boyd, I took my theory to my old teacher which I see once a week, and he said basically what you said.
He said that my theory was well thought out, and I am doing a good job by myself, except that I need to define thoughts.
I found out why, with the help of him.
"Thoughts may give off electrical energy"

Everything in the PU can be felt, and even if it can't be felt, it gives off energy. With that being said, it is fair to say that if it gives off energy, it can be detected using the 5 senses: Example- If you touch something hot, it is releasing energy in the form of heat due to atoms moving faster, therefore anything with a temperature is giving off energy. Anything giving off energy in the form of heat or cold can be felt, meaning it can be detected using the 5 senses, meaning energy can be detected using one of the 5 sense. Meaning that reffering to my definitions of the PU and what is in it, and what is in the OU, thoughts could theoretically be in both the Physical and Outer universe at once.


Life's a bitch and I'm just along for the ride.
eboyd Date: Thursday, 22/Oct/09, 2:11 AM | Message # 23

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
What could also be helpful to you is that you know that energy can be converted into matter and vice versa. They both exist in the physical universe as you call it and can be detected, but not just that, converted from one form to the other given the right circumstances. I think that you need to define "universe" however. An empiricist of any kind would probably define the universe as the collective system of all matter in existence and consists of all galaxies and other stellar bodies and collectives in existence, unless of course the multiverse theory that scientists are now toying with is true in which case they would define it as a system of galaxies and other stellar bodies and collectives. That would make the idea of a "physical universe" and an "outer universe" not only unrelated concepts (outer universes would exist in the multiverse theory as all universes outside of ours), but the "outer universe" you propose would be false because it would imply this idea of a nonphysical universe of some sort which scientifically doesn't make sense. Maybe if you changed the terms it would work. Think critically and choose wisely. Maybe "massive existence" and "non-massive existence". Since it is a fact that the things we have concepts for that we know exist give off energy, even though the data from this energy is pretty much useless to analyze (for example, all we know about thought is that certain types of thoughts give off energy in specific regions of the brain but we cannot analyze what thoughts are actually taking place), we may even want to call the non-massive "energy existence". Maybe existence isn't the most suitable word either. Just toy with it and see what you come up with.

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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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I_Guy Date: Thursday, 22/Oct/09, 3:13 AM | Message # 24

Posts: 1792
Reputation: 1
Quote (TheWatcher)
Oh, you mean your declerative sentences?

Oh, you mean declarative sentences?

Quote (eboyd)
I personally do it because this: "yada yada." Looks stupid to me and makes less sense than this: "yada yada".

I agree.

We all know that each of our end is near; the question is do we accept the end of our living existence, or do we accept our existence as dead men...
Forum » Knowledge » Philosophy/Science » The theory of bullshit (by Me.)
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