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How to identify a Psychopath/Sociopath
EmSeeD Date: Tuesday, 28/Jan/14, 0:08 AM | Message # 1

Posts: 11464
Reputation: 8
Been doing a lot of research of Psychopath's lately. God damn this explains a lot man lol. I used to think only serial killers were psychopaths, but not at all. They're actually quite common and look like every day people around us. After reading the signs, I've recognized a lot of these kinds of people have been around me, I'm probably like a magnet to them being a genuine good person. Psychopaths, they're born the way they are, they're, manipulative, pathological liars who don't feel real empathy like most of us. They're convinced they're the most intelligent people in the world and think they're good looking even if they're not, they only care about themselves but can fool others into thinking they care about them. They hate to lose and hate others that are like themselves. They get their thrills from trying to cause hurt and controlling others. They put on masks, to pretend they have real emotions and can pretend they're happy when really they're full of rage. They're usually charismatic people and act like the life of the party. They're very skilled liars and can convince you the most ridiculous unbelievable shit is true. A couple of these people have almost admitted to me they were psychopaths, 2 of them admitted they wore fake masks and put on fake smiles, one of them told me he wears a mask and can look like he's happy when really he wants to kill someone. Those were his exact words. They like to victimize themselves as well, to manipulate others into feeling sorry for them, they use that to control them. Here's one link that describes some signs of a psychopath



^ these are the ones that first made me realize what they are


a link with some of their signs

These are the kinds of people that are in abusive relationships. They have no conscience at all. I'm only writing this because people need to be aware of them, they're like wolves in sheeps clothing. They're charming people that can make you think they're your best friend. They'll try to get inside your head, find out what makes you happy and use it to destroy you

This all happened when going through some youtube comments. There was this nutjob dude on there, he was harassing people and saying shit that were obviously lies. Talking about how he's rich and good looking, loves to inflict pain and stab people, he said in one of the comments that he was a psychopath. Thats when I called the dude out, because all psychopaths are pathological liars, they lie about things they don't even need to lie about, its part of their mask, to mask themselves from people knowing the real them. Thats when I started reading about psychopaths and sociopaths, and I realized, I've been around these people most of my life. I think its a hereditary thing, because one of them is a relative, her daughter is a clear sign of one and it looks like that persons daughter is gonna grow up to be another one. Someone I used to be friends with as a kid was also one

s0dr2 Date: Tuesday, 28/Jan/14, 7:36 PM | Message # 2

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
what you wrote was really informal and lacks medical resources. i mean sure you have mentioned some symptoms but what about NEUROLOGICALLY, feel me. a man can suddenly snap and smack his wife with a pan, you cant just say he's crazy kill him you gotta inject some science in the situation and say yeah okay you have a neurotransmitter dysfuction in the limbic system you know?!?

hahahaha, YOU KNOW?!?! XD

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

EmSeeD Date: Wednesday, 29/Jan/14, 3:28 AM | Message # 3

Posts: 11464
Reputation: 8
Quote s0dr2 ()
what you wrote was really informal and lacks medical resources. i mean sure you have mentioned some symptoms but what about NEUROLOGICALLY, feel me. a man can suddenly snap and smack his wife with a pan, you cant just say he's crazy kill him you gotta inject some science in the situation and say yeah okay you have a neurotransmitter dysfuction in the limbic system you know?!?

hahahaha, YOU KNOW?!?! XD

I didn't list them but there's some shit thats wrong with their brain, its something wrong with the part of the brian that allows us to emphasize with others. Yeah of course I wouldn't assume some guy was a psychopath just because he snapped and hit someone. I mean these are people I know who have all the symptoms, most of these are people I've known nearly my whole life. 2 are relatives, one was a guy I knew since I was 4 and stopped hanging out with him when we were about 16 cause of his attitude

Another thing is, people like this actually make good soldiers and good surgeons, cause they can stay cool under that kind of pressure. Apparently people also look for these kinda people to make CEO's, kinda explains why so many CEO's are so heartless and why you hear about soldiers who commit war crimes like killing innocents and torturing people

another interesting link about the two sides of it

s0dr2 Date: Friday, 31/Jan/14, 10:37 AM | Message # 4

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1

this guy is pretty much boss... i got that snapping example from one of his lectures that i couldn't find but this one will do

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Greeny Date: Saturday, 01/Feb/14, 12:08 PM | Message # 5

Posts: 1031
Reputation: 0
You need to be careful with your labelling, Mark. The mask thing is quite common, everyone wears a mask, especially on the internet, it's easier to adopt a new persona.. But I think you defined it pretty well. My father is bipolar, sometimes seems psychotic. He can be very manipulative, and he always tries to make us pity him. He lies for shit reasons too. He's extremely spiteful towards my sister. He'll say the most fucked up shit and he won't apologize or display any form of regret or feeling guilt for saying it.
I've recently moved to Denmark. People are all caught up in charades and shit. They'll tell you they got an A+ when really they failed. They'll take the re-exam while lying about it. Danes are talkative peoples too, idk if you could say charismatic generally. Lying and pretending is part of the culture or social norms or whatever. Doesn't make them psychopaths.
Worlds happiest people according to EU and UN surveys. Yippies.

Greeny Date: Saturday, 01/Feb/14, 12:11 PM | Message # 6

Posts: 1031
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Who would tell her daughter that she's possessed by the devil every time he gets angry with her?

s0dr2 Date: Saturday, 01/Feb/14, 6:27 PM | Message # 7

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote Greeny ()
Who would tell her daughter that she's possessed by the devil every time he gets angry with her?

if you say he's bipolar then, it's his disease which you have to separate from who he is as a human being. no seriously watch that video it's life-changing. i almost shed a tear. who knew that teaching could be an art-form in of itself

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

EmSeeD Date: Sunday, 02/Feb/14, 3:38 AM | Message # 8

Posts: 11464
Reputation: 8
Quote s0dr2 ()
if you say he's bipolar then, it's his disease which you have to separate from who he is as a human being. no seriously watch that video it's life-changing. i almost shed a tear. who knew that teaching could be an art-form in of itself

Yeah thanks for that video, blame the disease not the person. I'm gonna watch all those vids when I get time

Greeny, True I have to be careful. But these people I know/knew, are definitely screwed up, there's a lot more I could say about them and why I know they're psychopaths and/or sociopaths. I'll try not to be too judgemental, but at the same time I take everything they say with a grain of salt since they lie so much. Apparently 1 in every 25 people in america is a psychopath lol and in CEO's its 1 in every 4.

Treach Date: Wednesday, 05/Feb/14, 12:08 PM | Message # 9

Posts: 1339
Reputation: 2
So now that you're done describing me, what can a psycho do about it? lol

"We took pride in intellect and skill
Now you gotta have some sex appeal to get a record deal"
Greeny Date: Sunday, 09/Feb/14, 7:02 PM | Message # 10

Posts: 1031
Reputation: 0
Yeah, I don't feel that. The disease is who he is as a person. It is diagnosed from his behaviour. His person is the reason to his behaviour. That is how I feel. I let your actions define you as a person.

apier Date: Monday, 14/Apr/14, 10:23 AM | Message # 11

Posts: 5
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Quote Treach ()
So now that you're done describing me, what can a psycho do about it? lol

bahahaha way to own up to it dude

I love life and rap.
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