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Forum » Knowledge » Religious/Philosophical Debate » More Debate On Religion
More Debate On Religion
s0dr2 Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 4:34 PM | Message # 46

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (eboyd)
I live my life knowing that there is no purpose other than that which I make for myself and I get through day by day knowing I have precious little time for existence which can be a beautiful thing if I allow it to be, so I create guidelines for my own living and live by them. These guidelines are based on my own logic mixed with the standards of my surrounding society and I do not fear death, for in death you simply enter an eternal lucid state I would think, but instead I embrace life, for I know it lies on a spatio-temperal plane and all things that do have a beginning and end. So if there is a beginning and end, why waste time in between?

you know what this is called?

OPINION....not fact or truth

Let's all be objective and follow the teachings of the Bible.

few questions though (to any nonbeliever)
1- is Christianity plausible?
2- do you view Christianity the same as mormonism (no they're not the same, LDS is a cult for your info)....you see: i see mormons as deluded...im just wondering if you think the same for christians

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Message edited by sodr2 - Monday, 20/Apr/09, 4:37 PM
Menace Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 5:15 PM | Message # 47

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Quote (MAK_The_Lucid_Tongue)
Erik..... so you lean more toward "no God" yet(I don't know you, but...) i get the feeling Ur as kind as you can be to other people (aside from your smart ass comments here- lol) and lean away from evil desires for the most part... but if you have a strong belief in nothing after death(no consequences) then what do you base your morals around? why choose that "good" over "evil" and then hate on the "false dilemma" when clearly it is a dilemma in your everyday ethics?!?!

its called moral relativism some people regard what you do as "evil" some people regard it as "good" we seem to ignore moral relativism and thats why we end up in wars and conflicts there are some universal morals yes no doubt but some things must be studied on then judged you cannot justify that if i choose to not kill i am religious or i follow religious laws or even judicial laws no human beings have a materialistic thinking ( not in the money way philosophical speaking ) i admit it is not evolve but we have it we we regard some bad things as counter productive for our society and for us

TheWatcher Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 5:40 PM | Message # 48

Posts: 941
Reputation: 0
Quote (MAK_The_Lucid_Tongue)
not scared No...... that would be pretty gay tho' if there wasn't.......and for those that do believe there's nothing after this, why not just kill yourself and save yourself all the pain and grief this world has to offer???? maybe cuz deep down you're scared there IS something after???...or maybe you're truly thankful for the 'gift' of life?!?!? Gift's don't come from nowhere and nothing tho'.... they come out of love.....GOD=Love................ So, is life a gift or a curse??


Quote (eboyd)
Or, maybe, no religion at all

And BAM!! Eboyd kicks religion in the gut.. Again.

Either way I am christian, though I don't consider one religion being much more truthful than the other, Muslims, Jews and Christians all believe in the same god. Some things in the Bible, Quran etc. may've been mis interpreted somewhere along the way, through translation and all of that but I believe in god.Those who don't, well.. I suppose you could just go around robbing people, shooting people, raping people, do what ever you like and enjoy your lucid mindstate or what ever it is.

Message edited by TheWatcher - Monday, 20/Apr/09, 5:42 PM
Menace Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 5:48 PM | Message # 49

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Quote (TheWatcher)
Those who don't, well.. I suppose you could just go around robbing people, shooting people, raping people, do what ever you like and enjoy your lucid mindstate or what ever it is.

most criminals believe in God thats what the US census in 2008 showed us wink as i said in another thread neither belief or non belief can claim monopoly on morality i can show you in history some gruesome stuff done by hardcore Christians or other religious people so you can't claim a monopoly over morality any religion or any other belief or non belief can't because everybody has their faults why in Theocratic societies crimes where so high why ?? its a has a THEOCRATIC society but still people robbed and killed ohh wait you can't claim a monopoly on morality and you can't put it into one thing because it depends and its RELATIVE

s0dr2 Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 6:16 PM | Message # 50

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (TheWatcher)
Muslims, Jews and Christians all believe in the same god.

no they don't.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

TheWatcher Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 6:39 PM | Message # 51

Posts: 941
Reputation: 0
Quote (sodr2)
no they don't.

Where do you get that from?

Message edited by TheWatcher - Monday, 20/Apr/09, 6:39 PM
eboyd Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 6:48 PM | Message # 52

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Sodr, I agree and have stated explicitly time and time again that this is simply my opinion. You, on the other hand, are a hypocrite for you expect me, righfully so, to recognize my beliefs as pure opinion, yet you refuse to let go of your ideas being fact. Your ideas are no more fact that mine. Face that reality or there is no purpose for me to continue arguing with you unless you can somehow come up with a miraculous reason that my ideas are false and you are correct, which is not going to happen. As far as I can see, I have educated myself to the point that my views cannot be manipulated by someone who is an inexperienced debater so if you want to convince me that you are correct and that God exists and Christianity is the answer, it will be virtually impossible because Descartes himself couldn't convince me that God exists. Maybe you are correct, but I have yet to be pursuaded and I highly doubt that I ever will be. You'll have a lot more luck convincing someone else.

MAK, see my most recent response (the one that sodr responded to) for an answer to your question.

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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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Menace Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 6:59 PM | Message # 53

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Quote (sodr2)
no they don't.

not only you bring medieval ideas in the 21 century you don't recognize the Abrahamic God these 3 major religions believe in the God of Abraham thats why they are called Abrahamic religions not to mention the historical connection between them Sodr2 i live in a Christian Orthodox country and i never saw a Christian talking like you do and they are devoted people here more devoted then you i guarantee but they never failed to recognize the universality of God

TheWatcher Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 7:00 PM | Message # 54

Posts: 941
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Quote (eboyd)
As far as I can see, I have educated myself to the point that my views cannot be manipulated by someone who is an inexperienced debater so if you want to convince me that you are correct and that God exists and Christianity is the answer, it will be virtually impossible because Descartes himself couldn't convince me that God exists.

Just out of curiosity... Why can't an 'inexperienced debater' changed your mind, is it impossible for him to know something that you might not just because he doesn't argue a lot or is it just you being narrow minded? I don't want toforce my religion upon anyone but I'd also prefer if you all would keep yours out of my face, I won't say that you're right and I'm wrong (because obviously.. You think you're right and I think I'm right and sodr thinks he's right etc., else it probably wouldn't be your opinion) but ugh. I should probably stay out of these annual RHHF religious debates. Oh and Menace I realize that religious people can/have done bad things but what makes you think that an all atheist world would be any better?

Menace Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 7:04 PM | Message # 55

Posts: 6764
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Quote (TheWatcher)
Oh and Menace I realize that religious people can/have done bad things but what makes you think that an all atheist world would be any better?

well that was my point wink people here claim that and you claimed that too you implied that if we don't believe in God why we don't start going crazy ?? so bang you area hypocrite cause i said neither belief or non belief should put a monopoly on morality so you are busted my dear comrade LOL biggrin

TheWatcher Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 7:15 PM | Message # 56

Posts: 941
Reputation: 0
Quote (Menace)
well that was my point people here claim that and you claimed that too you implied that if we don't believe in God why we don't start going crazy ?? so bang you area hypocrite cause i said neither belief or non belief should put a monopoly on morality so you are busted my dear comrade LOL

Well ehh.. I suppose religion can be taken advantage of, which can't even be argued.. Hitler did it, Al Qaeda and all the other terrorist organizations did it, even the pope used to have the power to kill a shitload of people and he used it. Though, there's a lot of good in religion and what these people preached went completely against the principles, the foundation of religion and it's a pity they managed to fool a lot of people.

I can't prove this but I'm assuming that back in the stone age humans used to go at it, "I want I get, I bigger, I stronger, you little & weak, I hit you with rock and have many sexes with your woman. Then i kill your children cause I can and steal your .. turtle meat." To stop this from happening you needed god really to unite people, or religion of some sort (I'm not saying that that's how they "made" religion, again I'm christian). Some atheists argue that this could've been done with a leader but to be honest, what can a leader do? And what stops the 'tribesmen' from doing it anyway? I mean.. If leader doesn't know, it harms nobody, right? God's everywhere though and god sees you, you can't just go behind a tree to rape a woman, god still knows it. Something that's impossible for a human leader to do.

You could also say that this could've been done by creating laws but how would that benefit the 'big strong men' who could take everything they wanted anyway and why should it make them stop what they were doing? I'm not sure if I'm off-topic yet lol.. But what we base our justice system on today, I mean a lot of our, even the vast majority of our morale system on is something taken directly from religion.

Menace Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 7:42 PM | Message # 57

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Quote (TheWatcher)
I can't prove this but I'm assuming that back in the stone age humans used to go at it, "I want I get, I bigger, I stronger, you little & weak, I hit you with rock and have many sexes with your woman. Then i kill your children cause I can and steal your .. turtle meat." To stop this from happening you needed god really to unite people, or religion of some sort (I'm not saying that that's how they "made" religion, again I'm christian). Some atheists argue that this could've been done with a leader but to be honest, what can a leader do? And what stops the 'tribesmen' from doing it anyway? I mean.. If leader doesn't know, it harms nobody, right? God's everywhere though and god sees you, you can't just go behind a tree to rape a woman, god still knows it. Something that's impossible for a human leader to do.

You could also say that this could've been done by creating laws but how would that benefit the 'big strong men' who could take everything they wanted anyway and why should it make them stop what they were doing? I'm not sure if I'm off-topic yet lol.. But what we base our justice system on today, I mean a lot of our, even the vast majority of our morale system on is something taken directly from religion.

i understand that but i advice you to study some history and and little bit philosophy cause people assume very often that religion created common sense or morality common sense occurred trough evolution if 500 years ago the Pope supported slavery now days he doesn't because stone age peoples minds didn't comprehend what we comprehend now but thats just one FACT scientific and you should check the evolution of morality rather taking such assumptions because morality is not 100% universal and i don't deny some morals came from religions to deny that is to deny history but religious people tend to put a monopoly on morality and that pisses me off because its not true even historically speaking is not true. Religion emerged after morality and built upon morality by expanding the social scrutiny of individual behavior to include supernatural agents. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_morality

eboyd Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 7:48 PM | Message # 58

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Dude, I work my ass off to avoid pushing my ideas in people's faces and I think I do a damn good job of it.

Bottom line: I'm not religious but I recognize the good that comes from religion. Maybe someone inexperienced can convince me otherwise and yes, that was a narrowminded comment and I retract it, but if someone like Descarte can't convince me I doubt there are too many others who are less experienced in philosophy and debate that can. It's my opinion, respect it and I'll respect yours.

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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s0dr2 Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 8:31 PM | Message # 59

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (eboyd)
Sodr, I agree and have stated explicitly time and time again that this is simply my opinion. You, on the other hand, are a hypocrite for you expect me, righfully so, to recognize my beliefs as pure opinion, yet you refuse to let go of your ideas being fact. Your ideas are no more fact that mine. Face that reality or there is no purpose for me to continue arguing with you unless you can somehow come up with a miraculous reason that my ideas are false and you are correct, which is not going to happen. As far as I can see, I have educated myself to the point that my views cannot be manipulated by someone who is an inexperienced debater so if you want to convince me that you are correct and that God exists and Christianity is the answer, it will be virtually impossible because Descartes himself couldn't convince me that God exists. Maybe you are correct, but I have yet to be pursuaded and I highly doubt that I ever will be. You'll have a lot more luck convincing someone else.

OPEN YOUR EYES AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE: (someone better than decartes)

you will never be convinced by evidence alone, God exists outside of science. you need a right heart and humbleness.

Quote (TheWatcher)
Where do you get that from?

common sense?

Quote (eboyd)
but if someone like Descarte can't convince me I doubt there are too many others who are less experienced in philosophy and debate that can.

closed minded much??

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Message edited by sodr2 - Monday, 20/Apr/09, 8:33 PM
Menace Date: Monday, 20/Apr/09, 8:52 PM | Message # 60

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Quote (sodr2)
common sense?

not only you are a hypocrite you are ignorant too by the way a priest told me personally that all these 3 major religions worship the same God wink

Forum » Knowledge » Religious/Philosophical Debate » More Debate On Religion