Off his latest musical brainchild, The Reset, Apollo Brown delivers yet another triumph in sonic production. "Balance," narrated by emcees Kenn Starr and John Robinson, is an otherworldly musical composition. The beat cooks low and slow with an orchestral bass line and swirls with synthesized harmonics that elevate the track to a unique frequency. "I really wanted this song to take the listener somewhere when they hear it," notes Brown. "Some people call it a dreamscape sound. It's just thought provoking life music to me." The sixteen bar verses dropped by Starr and Robinson are well chiseled models of deft lyricism; however, the prime cut from this beast is Brown's beat construction that effortlessly throws listeners off balance in this ironically titled track. "Balance" is up for grabs on Apollo Brown's album, The Reset. Check out "Balance" feat. Kenn Starr and John Robinson here "Real Detroit" feat. The Left: The Reset:
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