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Regular Off-Topic
Got something to say? Or want to have some fun? Go Here.
Forum moderator: s0dr2
613 16670 Sunday, 17/Sep/23, 2:41 AM
Thread: White Chocolate
Posted by: Scotthall
General Music
Not in the mood to discuss or listen to Hip Hop? Well bring whatever genre of music into this forum. Rock, funk, soul, reggae, salsa, jazz, r&b etc. Que Viva La Música!
Forum moderator: s0dr2
147 3148 Tuesday, 15/Nov/16, 9:18 AM
Thread: 50 Cent Discusses Todays Hip...
Posted by: djskibi
Sports & Entertainment
For sports, movies, tv, software, video games (or similar)
Forum moderator: El_Matador, Aristotle, s0dr2, ThaScience
230 4072 Sunday, 03/Aug/14, 4:05 PM
Thread: Buff Bagwell goes from wrest...
Posted by: Devostator
Polls, Games, & Surveys
Want to play a forum game? Survey everyone to see what they think? Get a poll so you can get a legit answer to a question? Do it here.
Forum moderator: El_Matador, Aristotle, s0dr2
46 5150 Friday, 06/Jul/12, 10:11 PM
Thread: Artist Pictionary
Posted by: Greeny
Discuss ways to improve the site here.
Forum moderator: El_Matador, ThaScience
189 4830 Wednesday, 22/May/13, 5:08 AM
Thread: RHHF T-Shirt Presale!
Posted by: EmSeeD
Creative Writing
Come here to express ur thoughts in a short story, chapter based story, or even a poem....
Forum moderator: I_Guy, eboyd, El_Matador
53 847 Sunday, 06/Jan/13, 6:15 AM
Thread: Poems everybody ! Poems !
Posted by: KingGoo
Rant Forum
Here you can diss an artist, politician, religious belief,trash talk,corporate or anything we want taken off the main board.Don't want to read trash?"don't enter"or enter at your own accord.
176 3605 Sunday, 21/Oct/12, 8:32 PM
Thread: i know yall been waiting for...
Posted by: Adam