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Welcome New Members
Forum moderator: s0dr2, El_Matador
37 1478 Monday, 27/Oct/14, 11:24 AM
Posted by: cristyloe

Real HIP HOP Forever
General Hip Hop Discussion (is being viewed by: 1)
Discuss anything hip hop in here...
Forum moderator: s0dr2, El_Matador
1535 23317 Monday, 09/Oct/23, 11:47 PM
Posted by: testube
Artists Introduction
"Post your favorite artists in here with a track for us to hear" A place to introduce new and old artists, (please read the rules)
Forum moderator: s0dr2, Aristotle, ThaScience
231 1481 Friday, 19/Feb/16, 11:46 AM
Thread: Peculiar versions of the Roc...
Posted by: rdr909
Rate & Review Music
Forum moderator: Aristotle, s0dr2, ThaScience
201 2457 Monday, 09/Mar/15, 7:32 PM
Thread: Finally New AtomicBeats - Be...
Posted by: AtomicBeats
Hip Hop History/Knowledge
"Hip Hop history, knowledge, education, culture and documentaries pertaining to hip hop"
Forum moderator: ThaScience, Aristotle, El_Matador
77 845 Wednesday, 11/Mar/15, 0:08 AM
Thread: mixtape cover king
Posted by: mixtapecoverking
Elements (DJ,Graff Art, BBoy,Bbox)
"Graffiti Art, Breakdancing, Djay/Turntablism , Beatbox Threads, tournaments etc in here"
Forum moderator: El_Matador, ThaScience, Aristotle
70 533 Tuesday, 22/Feb/22, 3:17 AM
Thread: May I please have a critical...
Posted by: J-Breakz
Hip Hop News
"to talk about latest headlines"
Forum moderator: Aristotle, s0dr2
218 1726 Wednesday, 15/Jun/16, 8:03 PM
Thread: Wigs flying offin rap batte
Posted by: DeathChamberzMusic

RHHF Artists/Battlers
The Cypher
cipher related material goes here.
Forum moderator: El_Matador, Aristotle, s0dr2
17 1973 Monday, 07/Aug/17, 0:35 AM
Thread: The Cypher
Posted by: Greeny
Current Battles
exhibition and tag team battles go here. Also request battles here.
Forum moderator: El_Matador, Aristotle, s0dr2
9 1406 Tuesday, 15/Nov/16, 9:17 AM
Thread: guitar battle
Posted by: djskibi
Battle Archive
all finished battles go here. also, the battle hall of fame goes here.
Forum moderator: El_Matador, Aristotle, s0dr2
153 5698 Saturday, 20/May/17, 1:38 AM
Thread: -Battle Records-
Posted by: Greeny
RHHF Artist's Music
This is where you go to hear an artist from RHHF, or post your own music.
Forum moderator: El_Matador, s0dr2
386 4729 Thursday, 07/Jan/16, 6:38 PM
Thread: I Just Wanna Fly (w/Hook)
Posted by: AtomicBeats
RHHF Artists (BBoys, Graff Art)
For RHHF artists that are breakdancers/graff/dejays's/beatboxers and other talents in rhhf.
Forum moderator: Aristotle, El_Matador
41 731 Saturday, 17/May/14, 9:57 PM
Thread: New Beat - Collab with Team ...
Posted by: AtomicBeats

Regular Off-Topic
Got something to say? Or want to have some fun? Go Here.
Forum moderator: s0dr2
613 16670 Sunday, 17/Sep/23, 2:41 AM
Thread: White Chocolate
Posted by: Scotthall
General Music
Not in the mood to discuss or listen to Hip Hop? Well bring whatever genre of music into this forum. Rock, funk, soul, reggae, salsa, jazz, r&b etc. Que Viva La Música!
Forum moderator: s0dr2
147 3148 Tuesday, 15/Nov/16, 9:18 AM
Thread: 50 Cent Discusses Todays Hip...
Posted by: djskibi
Sports & Entertainment
For sports, movies, tv, software, video games (or similar)
Forum moderator: El_Matador, Aristotle, s0dr2, ThaScience
230 4072 Sunday, 03/Aug/14, 4:05 PM
Thread: Buff Bagwell goes from wrest...
Posted by: Devostator
Polls, Games, & Surveys
Want to play a forum game? Survey everyone to see what they think? Get a poll so you can get a legit answer to a question? Do it here.
Forum moderator: El_Matador, Aristotle, s0dr2
46 5150 Friday, 06/Jul/12, 10:11 PM
Thread: Artist Pictionary
Posted by: Greeny
Discuss ways to improve the site here.
Forum moderator: El_Matador, ThaScience
189 4830 Wednesday, 22/May/13, 5:08 AM
Thread: RHHF T-Shirt Presale!
Posted by: EmSeeD
Creative Writing
Come here to express ur thoughts in a short story, chapter based story, or even a poem....
Forum moderator: I_Guy, eboyd, El_Matador
53 847 Sunday, 06/Jan/13, 6:15 AM
Thread: Poems everybody ! Poems !
Posted by: KingGoo
Rant Forum
Here you can diss an artist, politician, religious belief,trash talk,corporate or anything we want taken off the main board.Don't want to read trash?"don't enter"or enter at your own accord.
176 3605 Sunday, 21/Oct/12, 8:32 PM
Thread: i know yall been waiting for...
Posted by: Adam

connect with others that share your views/want to understand them. DON'T debate such views. comments/threads invoking debate will be moved/deleted. if deleted you will also be reprimanded.
Forum moderator: ThaScience, s0dr2
9 272 Saturday, 15/Sep/12, 4:04 AM
Thread: Hug An Atheist
Posted by: Adam
Religious/Philosophical Debate
If you so choose, debate religion and philosophy here.
Forum moderator: TheWatcher, Menace, I_Guy, Aristotle
64 2730 Monday, 24/Sep/12, 11:58 PM
Thread: determinism is an illusion
Posted by: J-Breakz
Share your views on philosophy and science.
Forum moderator: I_Guy, s0dr2, El_Matador
66 1652 Sunday, 20/Nov/11, 4:27 PM
Thread: Attention
Posted by: Hoffen
Discuss politics and economic issues.
Forum moderator: El_Matador, ThaScience, s0dr2
203 3117 Wednesday, 24/Aug/16, 2:28 AM
Posted by: ilikebacon3000
Discuss history and culture.
Forum moderator: Menace, Aristotle, El_Matador
51 786 Tuesday, 19/Mar/13, 9:18 AM
Thread: Anti-Racist is a codeword fo...
Posted by: Adam
General/Misc. News
Any other curious thoughts or miscellaneous knowledge including news or current events.
Forum moderator: J-Breakz, Aristotle, ThaScience
31 364 Wednesday, 28/Mar/12, 7:09 PM
Thread: Drug Lord Thanks Obama, Bush...
Posted by: KingGoo

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All-time high attendance 546 reached on Thursday, 5:11 AM, 02/May/19.
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Total of 5078 threads created, which have 98310 replies.
976 members registered. Greetings to our new member Scotthall.