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RHHF Artists/Battlers
The Cypher
cipher related material goes here.
Forum moderator: El_Matador, Aristotle, s0dr2
17 1973 Monday, 07/Aug/17, 0:35 AM
Thread: The Cypher
Posted by: Greeny
Current Battles
exhibition and tag team battles go here. Also request battles here.
Forum moderator: El_Matador, Aristotle, s0dr2
9 1406 Tuesday, 15/Nov/16, 9:17 AM
Thread: guitar battle
Posted by: djskibi
Battle Archive
all finished battles go here. also, the battle hall of fame goes here.
Forum moderator: El_Matador, Aristotle, s0dr2
153 5698 Saturday, 20/May/17, 1:38 AM
Thread: -Battle Records-
Posted by: Greeny
RHHF Artist's Music
This is where you go to hear an artist from RHHF, or post your own music.
Forum moderator: El_Matador, s0dr2
386 4729 Thursday, 07/Jan/16, 6:38 PM
Thread: I Just Wanna Fly (w/Hook)
Posted by: AtomicBeats
RHHF Artists (BBoys, Graff Art)
For RHHF artists that are breakdancers/graff/dejays's/beatboxers and other talents in rhhf.
Forum moderator: Aristotle, El_Matador
41 731 Saturday, 17/May/14, 9:57 PM
Thread: New Beat - Collab with Team ...
Posted by: AtomicBeats