Poetic Death of OgT new album just dropped,this album is a testament on so many levels, signalling a turning point in not only Poetic's music career but in the Organized Threat Movement as well ft Mr. Lif, Kwervo Instrumadness /The Anti-Injustice Movement (The AIM) DEMONIOS SEKT (official), Piano man, true masters, Vida Killz, Guerrilla Republik Utopia The Inca (MC) / DJ Vital Mapuche ( Broken Dialect) AND MORE <a href="http://poeticdeath.bandcamp.com/track/chapter-three-ft-mr-lif-and-vida-killz">Chapter Three ft. Mr Lif and Vida Killz by Poetic Death</a>http://poeticdeath.bandcamp.com/album/dtts-chapter-three http://www.facebook.com/OfficialPoeticDeath
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