Russell McGee aka Genesis is a songwriter/ghost writer that grew up in the 7 city area in Virginia. He has worked with an aray of talented artist and has written many underground hits. He released a mixtape to show his clients his hip-hop side and planned on keeping it underground. Pressure from fans/clients of the music pushed him to re-release the mixtape to the public and write several more. "Grey Skies" (re-leased july 12th 2010), "Grey Skies 2" (dropping september 10th 2010), R&B mixtape (not yet titled), and a Rock mixtape (not yet titled). One of the tracks (titled: "note to pharrell" off of the "Grey Skies 2" mixtape) somehow unintentionally made it to Virginia Beachs local radio station 103 Jamzs Battle on da Block hosted by DJ Bee. Additionally, the track won the battle daily by popular votes for nearly a month. This popular track gave him a little accidental fame in the 757 area. He created this track to hopefully reach out to one of the most successful producers from VA Beach, Pharrell. Brenner after hearing the song was inspired to shoot a video for the writer. There are many moves being made behind the scenes, but are left out of this BIO per request by Genesis. *DOWNLOAD FREE GREY SKIES MIXTAPE HERE MYSPACE