Guerrilla Republik is proud to present it's 6th Volume of their world acclaimed mixtape, "Love and Sacrifice". Join forces with Inner City Queen Production's very own Lah Tere to connect with the soundtrack of the journey and intention of Queens internationally. Our sister Lah Tere will be hosting this mixtape and will be introducing a global line up of 40 SiStas who represent Puerto Rico, Republica Dominicana, Cuba, Jamaica, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Tonga, and Palestine. The goal was to create another platform for women/SiStaRs in Hip Hip who are using it as a tool for liberation and emotional release. The collaboration has been an amazing grassroots experience of building community through an urban audio project. honored to release this mixtape:"International Pearls of Wisdom" on Tuesday, Sept 13, 2011. Only the realist feel this!
Special Shout out to the sisters who made the mixtape cover Vaimoana Niumeitolu (Moana Love), Elzabieta Kosmicki and Lah Tere.( ITZ TIME 4 OUR SISTARZ TAKE THE LEAD ON THE MIC..)