Kdb & St. Peter - Sovereign Skies (Feat. Killah Priest) 


Within The Solace is a Collaborative concept album created by St Peter and KDB. KDB has been involved heavily within the Hip Hop scene for over a decade, reaching many feats such as JUNO Nominated Projects, Nationwide Tours and Regular Video Rotations on MUCH MUSIC. ST PETER Has been producing beats and sewing projects together for a few years with his Wu Tang afilliations, Building music for Hell Razah, Shabaaz The Disciple, Daddy Rose, Vendetta Kingz and many more; Not to fail mentioning his follow up project with Killah Priest.

This album has various features of Underground legends and has been anticipated by many outlets such as Kevin Nottingham, Dj Eclipse and Dj Premier. Within The Solace is a politically driven project with a spiritually motivated characteristic. The times of today trace the civil rights era on a worldwide scale, with broader issues; WITHIN THE SOLACE brings you into a space of understanding. The raw messages and poetic shadow boxing, is well conveyed over Soundtrack-like' production. If you love content, Musically composed instrumental and the Golden Era of Hip Hop, You will love to sit back and fall Within The Solace.

Added by: Watcher, 01/May/24 | Comments: 0
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