In these dark times, songs made with light and happiness do not always seem relevant, as it was when Killah Priest wrote this epic story from the point of view of Lucifer. Lucifer who was God's brightest angel, who God had made in charge of all music, would later rebel against God. Jealous of God's love for humans, Lucifer would end up leading revolt against God and the other angels. The war in heaven would see Lucifer and his band of rebel angel’s fall from God's grace. This knowledge we have from the New Testament however not once is Lucifer mentioned in the Old Testament. In fact some theologians believe that Lucifer was an early creation of the Catholic Church to be the bogeymen and foil for all goodness in the world. Killah Priest who is both spiritual and worldly has written a sinister verse, drenched in disdain and vengeance from Lucifer’s perspective. Sabac Red adds a sense of urgency to the song with his verse referencing Armageddon and the rise of the Beast. Lastly Ill Bill pens a verse about Lucifer manifesting in modern times as a skilled assassin working for government agencies or is he controlling them?In the end it is always up to the listener to decide what to believe, whom to believe and how this song relates to the dark world all around us. Download Killah Priest "Psalms of Satan f/Ill Bill & Sabac Red