Miss Red: a rap and spoken word artist located in Maryland, she also enjoys to sing. She represents every color, religion and culture, in her music, to the point of a revolutionary. Miss Red promotes the oneness of mankind and creativity versus competitiveness. She has a unique style, that just looking at her, you would never think she was so dynamic. She embodies love and represents strength. She is all about promoting healthy relationships, learning from mistakes, and the role that God, Light, Justice, Karma, and the Law of Attraction play into our lives. She is a prolific song writer and writes multiple songs a day, as well as writes for other people.She is striving to be one of the real inspirational artists that slips through the cracks and gets heard, and based off her flow, that's a definite possibility. Knowledge: Born and raised in MD, Knowledge was exposed to the streets at an early age. Inspired by the likes of Tupac Shakur, Big Pun, and Immortal Technique, Knowledge is the new face of hip-hop. His hardcore sound, political discourse and rebellious nature remains unmatched. His genius musical works will expose and crumble the foundations of corporate hip-hop and unquestionably inspire the minds of future rappers.