La Coka Nostra “Letter To Ouisch” (Video) 

Always known for tackling controversial topic matter, the group’s sophomore project, Masters Of The Dark Arts, (which recently was a top 100 debut on the Billboard Charts) finds them once again in torch-bearing mode, addressing subjects that most artists shy away from as ILL BILL illustrates “as conceptually and musically dark as this album appears to be, there's also a flip side layer to it that you may not notice until you listen to it a few times. Masters Of The Dark Arts is a storm before the calm and a celebration of the good things in life that can only be achieved by walking directly into the heart of darkness and facing your inner demons head on."

La Coka Nostra’s Masters Of The Dark Arts is available everywhere fine music is sold on Fat Beat Records.

Added by: Watcher, 05/Feb/25 | Comments: 0
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