Lyrical Empire: Hip Hop in Metro Manila-An eye-opener as to the struggle of Filipinos involved in Hip Hop in the Philippines 

An eye-opener as to the struggle of Filipinos involved in Hip Hop in the Philippines. Manila based hip hop artists and their struggle to gain acceptance in the Philippine sound scape. Take a glimpse into the lives of hip hop artists from a country where hip hop culture is under constant scrutiny from a skeptical public. What will it take for these artists to prove their skills? Will hip hop become big in the Philippines, or will it be forever discarded as "jologs," underclass, and uncultured? These hardworking hip hop heads show you the passion and style they bring to the game where lyrical boundaries blur and innovation is prized.

Please visit the Lyrical Empire label for more information about this project, including past screenings. Screenings and discussions are continuing in classrooms all over the country!

Check out the Evil Monito Magazine article on Philippine hip hop here.

View more FilAm Funk Productions projects and become a fan on Facebook.

Added by: Watcher, 01/Feb/25 | Comments: 0
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