Thor Tv- Magnum O- Burn / Don't Cross the Line Directed/Edited by godHead The General
Thor Tv Magnum O "Burn/Don't Cross The Line" Directed/Edited by godHead The GeneralTHORTakeOver Records presents an original network online show/music video series Low Cut Lawns. The story begin with some of the Rebel Coalition on a little R&R this is where BURN by Born Prince of Magnum O is introduced. While The Rebels are chilling enjoying a moment of silence L Tyrannic of Magnum O receive disturbing news.Don't Cross the Line by L Tyrannic is is chapter 2 of this story. Now because of the news the Rebel's decide to handle business! Calls are made and the location of the problem was given, now its time to take care of the mess Edited by godHead The General.