@AIMClika Our event is next Saturday 25th, come on true ft Pioneer MC GLOBE of Afrika Bam­baataa & The Soulsonic Force 

This event is being put together by the UK based global act­iv­ist and Hip Hop organ­iz­a­tion The Anti-Injustice Move­ment (aka AIM Clika) and us Real Hip Hop Forever. It is sponsored by Clean Lyr­ics Records/ Hector Freedom MIC.

The pur­pose of the event is to bring raw aware­ness to the sub­ject of human traf­fick­ing. This will be done with the inde­pend­ent col­lect­ive con­scious­ness of Hip Hop at its core (par­tic­u­larly the Fifth Ele­ment of Know­ledge) with its other elements.

The event will take place at a pop­u­lar Hip Hop venue called The Paper Box in the heart of Brook­lyn in New York City. New York City is per­fect for the event as it is ‘the home of Hip Hop’ since its two greatest pion­eers Kool Herc and Afrika Bam­baataa estab­lished its roots there in the 1970s.

Human traf­fick­ing is the trade in humans, most com­monly for the pur­pose of sexual slavery, forced labour or com­mer­cial sexual exploit­a­tion for the traf­ficker or oth­ers, or for the extrac­tion of organs or tis­sues (includ­ing sur­rog­acy and organ removal). It can also be for provid­ing a spouse in the con­text of forced mar­riage. ‘Slavery’ never ended and is in fact more pre­val­ent now than it was at the peak of the Transat­lantic Slave Trade.

The Hip Hop Head­liner at the event is Hip Hop Icon, Pion­eer and Uni­ver­sal Zulu Nation OG MC G.L.O.B.E. of Afrika Bam­baataa & The Soulsonic Force. He was the cre­ator of ‘MC pop­pin’ and this ori­ginal rap style paved the way for many Hip Hop artists today. MC G.L.O.B.E, DJ Afrika Bam­baataa and the rest of the Soulsonic Force were together one of the most influ­en­tial groups in Hip Hop his­tory who trans­formed Hip Hop music, which they fused with Funk, with their influ­en­tial clas­sics ‘Planet Rock’, ‘Look­ing for the Per­fect Beat and ‘Reneg­ades of Funk’.

Not only will a his­tor­ical Pion­eer and Uni­ver­sal Zulu Nation OG, MC G.L.O.B.E., be head­lining but an up and com­ing young New York Hip Hop pion­eer, Chief69 from The Uni­ver­sal Zulu Nation (Bronx Chapter), will play a large part in the whole per­form­ance. He’ll be doing Street Poetry from his new book, live graff writ­ing and emcee­ing while BBoy­ing with the incred­ible Bronx Boys Rock­ing Crew (TBB) from the area where Hip Hop was born.

AIM Clika West Coast (Cali) General/Califia Zulu Gabe Ros­ales (aka VNON) will be present­ing a talk on ‘Hip Hop as a Weapon Against Injustice’ in order to explore Hip Hop as a means of fight­ing injustice in the present cli­mate where cor­por­ate rap has attemp­ted to des­troy its core val­ues. He will explain reas­ons why cor­por­a­tions have tried to dis­arm real Hip Hop (what Pion­eers like MC G.L.O.B.E. brought to the world), just as many gov­ern­ments attempt to silence and oppress act­iv­ists who push for pos­it­ive change. He is both a ded­ic­ated mem­ber of The Anti-Injustice Move­ment and the Cal­i­fia Zulus and many of the val­ues held and meth­ods used by the former have been greatly influ­enced by what VNON has learned from the lat­ter as he has been a key fig­ure in the evol­u­tion AIM Clika. This is another reason why The Uni­ver­sal Zulu Nation will be greatly honored at this event.

The event has some not­able under­ground con­scious emcees from the New York area like, The Ghetto Tran­scends Poten­tial, God­head the Gen­eral from The Sar­gon­ites, Supreme Sniper, Nejma Shea, Los Leones NYC and Human Traf­fick­ing expert, New York Gen­eral and MC for AIM Clika Renan Sal­gado (aka SAI) along with a few others.

AIM Clika ‘Philly’ Gen­eral MC Ther­ap­ist and his Lieu­ten­ant Mekz1 will be drop­ping some revolu­tion­ary Hip Hop tracks. There will also be per­form­ances from:
AIM Clika ‘Dirty Jerz’General MC Enki Jex Rasta­fari from the Dirty Jerz Chapter and AIM Clika Mid­w­est Chapter will also be per­form­ing with tal­en­ted mem­bers Chapter like sharp spit­ting MC Stream of Con­scious­ness to hard hit­ting Street Poet One.

The Anti-Injustice Move­ment also have their Pres­id­ent and vit­ri­olic Street Poet AK47 fly­ing in from Scot­land to per­form along with world class AIM Clika Scot­land beat­boxer Bigg Taj. Real Hip Hop Forever also have their incred­ible col­lect­ive of emcees from Aruba, Cent­ral Pieces, per­form­ing at the event in order to bring Carib­bean con­scious Hip Hop to New York. Their pil­grim­age from Aruba to the ’Home of Hip Hop’ will be doc­u­mented by New York film-maker Tristan J. Nedd. There will be another doc­u­ment­ary about the event itself, human traf­fick­ing and Hip Hop as a weapon against injustice being filmed by AIM Clika Dirty Jerz revolu­tion­ary film­maker Miguel Peralta.

The event will be ground­break­ing in the way it brings Hip Hop, street poetry and expert speak­ers together in order to raise aware­ness about the global issue of Mod­ern Day Slavery.

The Anti-Injustice Movement (AIM Clika)

Real Hip Hop Forever

The event is sponsored by Clean Lyrics Records/Hector Freedom Mic

Cent­ral Pieces (RHHF Aruba)
God Head The Gen­eral (from The Sar­gon­ites)
Ghetto Tran­scends Poten­tial
Los Leones NYC
Renan ‘SAI’ Sal­gado
Gabe ‘VNON’ Ros­ales
Guer­rilla X
Bigg Taj
MC Ther­ap­ist
Stream of Con­scious­ness
Nejma Shea
Jex Rasta­fari
Supreme Sniper
Mekz One
Stone­henge Parnhash­nakovsky
The Bronx Boys Rock­ing Crew

Added by: Watcher, 05/Feb/25 | Comments: 0
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