"The militarization of the U.S./Mexico border has led only to cultural and environmental destruction of the indigenous peoples whose land is on or near the border, such as the O'odham, Yaqui and Lipan Apache Nations.Border Militarization brings death and terror to indigenous peoples from other parts of the continent migrating to this land.

About one week before Jared Luaghner went on his killing spree, a border patrol shot and killed an unarmed 17 year old while trying to climb the fence back into Nogales Mexico. (not too far from where this footage was taken) There were 2 boys. They weren't drug dealers or human smugglers. They were 2 teenagers returning from visiting their girlfriends who live on the other side of the border. They were told to stop. One stayed on the US side to be detained, processed and later returned, the other kept climbing. For that he was shot dead in his own country by US Border Patrol. The shooter was not even disciplined for committing murder. Another case happened a few months earlier when a Texas BP killed a 14 year old for throwing rocks at him. Rubber bullets were not an option. Throwing rocks back or a friendly frisbee wasn't taught by HLS. Just shoot to kill. This is where border militarization has led us. Where is our soul?

Added by: Watcher, 20/Jan/25 | Comments: 0
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