"Levitate This" is a new album from Detroit emcee Volume, available for Free Download. Volume Shows a lot of versatility and skill as an emcee on these 8 tracks. The album has a very Alternative Hip-Hip sound on many of the tracks but also has a traditional hip hop sound on tracks like "This Was Once A Love Song" and "F.E.A.R.", to a cool jazzy mellow sound on "Just Be". "Detroit, Michigan / Nottingham , UK – May 22, 2012 marks the release of the anticipated debut album from VOLUME, a Detroit area emcee, produced by the impeccable Dr. B of Nottingham, England who was responsible for the beat end of Detroit duo Passalacqua’s well-loved debut EP. Categorized as Alternative Hip-Hop, Blip-hop, Crip-Hop, Thought-hop or just "Consciousness Music ", the eight song album has garnered praise from hip-hop fans and those predisposed to criticize the genre alike. The album was recorded at Tapwater Productions in Detroit then mixed and mastered by Dr. B himself.
Original yet accessible through a balance of creativity and solid songwriting and composition, “Levitate This” promises to appeal to a broad audience: it’s progressive music that jumps from catchy hooks and playful banter to dense political and social commentary to matters of life, love, and philosophy. A classic hip-hop experience with a twist of brutal honesty and transparency, “Levitate This” also boasts professional quality (and quite catchy) production and mastering setting it apart from your typical independent fare. Guest appearances are carefully placed throughout to enhance the experience further.
VOLUME will be performing to support the album in June, 2012 and onward. Production of a video for the upcoming single “F.E.A.R.” is now underway as well as multimedia web content in support of the single “The Adventures of Tophat and Monocle”