Main » 2009 » March » 17

OK, so this is a bit late, but i had a school project to formulate an argument against these two articles in my philosophy class and i thought i would share them. The following are (in order) Dawkins' original article (blue writing), LaSor's rebuttle (green writing), and my response (black writing):

Gods and earthlings
The 'science of intelligent design' is science fiction.
By Richard Dawkins

April 18, 2008

If we were visited by aliens from a distant planet, would we fall on our knees and worship them as gods? The difficulty of getting here from even our nearest neighbor, the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, constitutes a filter through which only beings with a technology so advanced as to be god-like (from our point of view) could pass. The capabilities and powers of our interstellar visitors would seem more magical to us than all the miracles of all the gods that have ever been imagined by priests or theologians, mullahs or rabbis, shamans or witch doctors.

Arthur C. Clarke, who died last month, said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." If we could land a jumbo jet beside a medieval village, would we not be worshiped as gods? The technology of interstellar travel, and the scientific knowledge on which it would be based, are as far beyond us as our present-day knowledge surpasses that of Dark Age peasan ... Read more »

Views: 836 | Added by: eboyd | Date: 17/Mar/09 | Comments (0)

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