making an entire thread about how i hate another user doesn't mean i'm emotional or mad at all. i'm am the terminator, incapable of showing any emotion, especially on the internet where i am particularly hard. i never laugh, never cry, i'm never happy or sad. no emotions here. emotions are for women and i don't like women, only big tough emotionless men like myself - Alcatraz wtf adam? wtf is that shiney glitttery purple shit on yer avatar? man don't you know color is for women, godammit i don't ever wanna see anything close to the color pink or purple because it reminds me of women, i only want to see big sweaty manly things on here dammit - alcatraz
i hate dem damn black people (even though i'm half black) and don't get me started on dem god derm asian people (even though i'm half japanese), wait a second what?? what do you mean those girls dancing in that video were sluts lord meth you're a racist for that (unlike me) anyway what was i saying? oh yeah black women are sluts, wait....that came out wrong....wait what am i doing again??? where am i? oh shit i think i drank too much - strykah