wow they're really trying hard to market this guy to black people aren't they, i guess they know they got the white people market but they really wanna market this guy to the blackies and the hip hop listeners, i mean check his first 3 singles, the first one had Usher in the beginning dancing and shit with him, the second one featured Ludacris, the third one featured Sean Kingston, the 4th one was just sad how they tried to make him dance like Usher, then news comes out that he's gonna be working with Dr. Dre, and now they've got Shaq singing to him wtf
We want Bieber on Detox! MENACE 2 JOKER: Go back to Mexico you damn spic JOKER 2 MENACE: Shut up you fake nigga your a damn sand nigger not a full nigger
this is the guy whos working with dr. dre, this is the guy who did a song with ludacris & usher this is the guy who has shaq singing "i love you" to him lmao
you know how when people come out with a stupid and pointless product and then no-one buys it, and then they get celebrities to endorse it and then suddenly everyone wants one? well yeah thats what this is.