I recorded the fans on my new camera. cant wait for them faggot canucks to get shitted on! i made a channel and uploaded a bunch of videos. there was every cop in boston in front of the garden. there is absolutely no way for me to begin to explain how crazy this was. so much shit happened. this is the channel...... http://www.youtube.com/user/PuckACanuck
Added (16/Jun/11, 11:58 PM) --------------------------------------------- You gave a random guy the finger close up to his face? Man, you're such a douchebag. Did he beat you up, or what was that "don't do it" in the background?
LOL its competitive and all but theres no fights like that going on. everyones just having fun. and i was telling him dont take a picture of me. for the most part people are cool. i was chillin at a bar shootin the shit with a canadian and he knew a lot about hip hop. we were mostly talking about people under the stairs because im going to there concert on sunday. we were also talking about how people were clowns for chanting USA, when half of the bruins are from canada. if anything i thought this guy was going to beat me up because i was filming his drunk girlfriend. haha