The Primeridian -
"The Primeridian, a hip-hop based, power group consisting of Jaime Roundtree (tree tha scarecrow), Simeon Viltz (See-Me-On) and Darshon Gibbs (Race) hail from the eclectic, historical music scene of Chicago. With musical influences from blues and R&B, to house and acid jazz, the primeridian fuses these influences into a soulful, jazzy, acid-funk sound independent of musical genres and classifications pushing hip hop to new levels of exposure, experimentation and expression. With thought-provoking lyrics, a touch of humor, skilled production/musicianship and years of explosive live performances, the primeridian takes a stage by storm with energy, emotion, and experience moving crowds of diverse audiences (young and old), various musical preferences and tastes."
Read the best of the bio at..
I'm in love with this group right now, in particular the 'I'll Meet You At Greenwich' album....
As stated, it is 'a compilation of works from 1995 to 2001'
This album is phenomenal, and stays on point throughout..
Here's some tracks...
Will upload sometime next week.. (23/May/12, 11:14 AM)