round 1: adam slightly round 2: adam, uncharteds got a bit repetitive, maybe if he'd made it shorter
round 3: uncharted, i think uncharted used the sample more in his beat, not sure if adam only used the sample at the beginning and then just used another sample for most of the beat
overall vote adam
btw there is a way for others to embed the songs with the ucoz player if you know where to look,
if you copy the embed code frpm that rgb site and paste it
<embed src="" quality="high" width="290" height="24" name="mp3player" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" flashvars="width=290&height=24&autostart=yes&bg=0x000000&leftbg=0xcc0000&border=0xcc0000
^ grab that link in bold, if you take that link and post if with the [audio] tags
you can embed the song with the ucoz player instead. any audio link that ends with ".mp3" can be embedded with the ucoz player