I suggest you read this
Lil B info
and this
No Cussing Club Info
before reading... if you already did, fine "In A House Somewhere In ATL"
Lil B: ok boyz time for the pretty bitchtastic video shoot
Lead Cameraman:Ok so we start off with the showing of the jewelry..a few minutes later we move to the money...and then the girls and cars
Lil B: yea heaard thats how we do it ,west side based,west side shawty
"South pasadena at ncc hq"
Mckay Hatch: ok see there's this pretty boy named lil b...one of my secret spies of uncusslyness...well he heard about this "lil b" he says the b word every line of his "songs" so i listened to one of his songs...he put burning in my ears...and he raps real foul...so to make this a better more g rated world...i say we kill this "lil b"
NCGang Banger #1:any more info on this "lil b"? boss
Mckay Hatch: Well he calls himself a pretty b word and according to him he's even "finer than nicki minaj"
NCGang Banger #2: I have two questions boss...Is hey gay? and how "fine" is he? i mean i've seen some pretty "fine" guys in my lifetime boss
Mckay Hatch: Um gimme a minute...
Two minutes later
NCGang Banger #2: everything ok boss?
Mckay Hatch: well not everythings ok...in the official no cussing rule book...it says and i quote "You may say gay to mean happy...using it for homosexuals CAN be considered offensive and this is a G Rated Gang and we won't have ANYTHING that might offend someone" In Simple Terms...I'm going to have to kill you
NCGang Banger #2: Ok Come on thats some fucking bullshit i didn't mean shit, get the fuck outta here...
*Insert lots of generic cutting sounds"
"Meanwhile at the random house in atl"
Random Cameraman: ok so now after you say the word bitch we start panning to the right to the stacks of money? um wait i have a question...The 32nd time you say bitch, or the 33th?...or am i all off altogether?
"Back at the ncc hq"
*everyone discusses all the bullshit rules of the no cussing club blah blah blah*
*They then head off to atl to find lil b*
*The Ncc has arrived at atl and is behind the bushes infront of lil b's random house in atl*
Mckay Hatch: ok you guys ready
All 7 gang bangers: yep
a result of boredom in the middle of the night...