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Does Rap Put Teens at Risk?
Boner-Jamz-11 Date: Friday, 27/Mar/09, 2:35 PM | Message # 16

Posts: 3900
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i didnt say fully...... i just said that in some cases it does


Menace Date: Friday, 27/Mar/09, 2:36 PM | Message # 17

Posts: 6764
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that depends on the person if he/she let's himself to be put at real risk because of trends

J-Breakz Date: Friday, 27/Mar/09, 2:46 PM | Message # 18

Posts: 2162
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If a teen actually gets caught up in the gangster glamour portrayed in mainstream rap music than the parents should be responsible enough to notice that and take action before he/she does anything stupid

livin life like some cheesy movie
LoveThatHipHop Date: Friday, 27/Mar/09, 7:18 PM | Message # 19

Posts: 209
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But, who wants their parents judging their music? No kid wants their parents going "You have to listen to christian music for the rest of your life because rap music is DANGEROUS sweetie" It only provokes more rebellion

Because I'm cool like dat. I'm chill like dat. I'm peace like dat.

Message edited by LoveThatHipHop - Friday, 27/Mar/09, 7:19 PM
Menace Date: Friday, 27/Mar/09, 7:26 PM | Message # 20

Posts: 6764
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well that parent is dumb as fuck and has no respect for the child and on the real the parent didn't prepare his child for the future make your child realize reality most parents are dumb as fuck no diss explain to him certain things regarding that music and then make him listen to that music in fact listen whit him and show him trough that you make him judge for himself don't intervene in his life wink

EAsports93 Date: Thursday, 02/Apr/09, 12:01 PM | Message # 21

Posts: 11
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ok but if you have had excellent parenting these minor things shouldn't affect you i listen to gangsta music hardcore and horrocore and I'm 15 going on 16 and i was taught how to decipher fact from fiction like if ice cube said fuck the police I'm not gonna say fuck the police because i know in reality police officers are hard workin people and are human and deserve to be respected in the community even though some abuse their status but that doesn't mean that all police are bad
but does rap music effect young ladies yes it does in fact it effects them more because now a days you hear bitch bitch bitch hoe hoe hoe suck my dick bend over
espically the video models i mean there is nothing wrong with havin fun but they over do it you got too many females so obsessed with their outer beauty than their inner beauty.
Uncharted Date: Thursday, 02/Apr/09, 7:17 PM | Message # 22

Posts: 4766
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it does i see it everyday with 13 year olds kids my age who have pants hanging off there ass speaking broken english saying ignorant.

Chinita Date: Thursday, 02/Apr/09, 8:04 PM | Message # 23

Posts: 5823
Reputation: 5
Quote (EAsports93)
many females so obsessed with their outer beauty than their inner beauty.

i agree with that and nothing worse than someone with a beautiful outer beauty but an ugly inner beauty..

I'm a parent of three and i can tell u all children have different personalities and some are stronger than the others..me and my children get along like best friends but there comes a time i cant just be a friend but a real mom..i know its easy for many of u to say that the music wont affect but this is how i see it.. You only get one chance to raise ur children, there is no going back to make it right so why take chances..why not be the best parent u can be in raising ur kids...if music can possibly affect ur child and u dont know how strong ur child is then why let it in ur home..everyone is different but thats how i was when my kids where younger..now they older so they can listen to what they want but i still dont allow certain things in my house. when they have kids of their own its a different story.. sometimes i ask my son, would you let your child listen to this? and he'll say no.. so to me things change once you become a parent because like i said, you only get one shot at parenting your child so raise him the best way u can.. they gonna hear and see all the violence outside anyway so why bring it into ur home? thats my opinion..i think music changes ur mood and plays a big part in ur life..we can be the best parents but ur kids will always have their own personalities..i just know in the end as a parent u can look back and now u did ur best as a parent..you will never really know if music will affect them but why take that chance anyway..

ill Date: Thursday, 02/Apr/09, 8:08 PM | Message # 24

Posts: 2087
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if you raise your kids right then they know to take music for what it is and not some kinda thing to live by, im not saying you personaly but in general, im sure your kids have heard the lyrics but do they act out the songs? im guessing not so you've done a good job - see what i mean. if you object to the music then fair enough but i dont think saying kids cant listen is right

The World Is Yours
Chinita Date: Thursday, 02/Apr/09, 8:14 PM | Message # 25

Posts: 5823
Reputation: 5
Quote (ill)
if you raise your kids right then they know to take music for what it is and not some kinda thing to live by

true raise ur kids right..what if they are like 7 years old though?..i think age has alot to do with it..at 7 or 8years your still trying to raise them right..now teenagers is different..my kids are teens and they listen to real music like their mom, my son listens to real hip hop and not that crap rap cause they learned from me but i mean when they are younger.. u need to raise them right without interferances and beleive me at that age they listen to all and repeat all.. u heard "monkey see monkey do" well thats the way kids are..u see how many imitate so if they hear bad things they will repeat bad things most of the time..this is what i've seen through out my life.

ill Date: Thursday, 02/Apr/09, 8:18 PM | Message # 26

Posts: 2087
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yeah cos thats how they learn, its the same with my sister shes 7 and she listens too and watches hannah montana and plastic disney stuff like that and she trys to copy alot and she knows all the words to high school musical songs but shes learning to apreciate music she likes so she also has like kanye west on her music player, not the best choice but at least shes thinking for herself, thats what it comes down too i guess

The World Is Yours
Chinita Date: Thursday, 02/Apr/09, 8:28 PM | Message # 27

Posts: 5823
Reputation: 5
Quote (ill)
yeah cos thats how they learn, its the same with my sister shes 7 and she listens too and watches hannah montana and plastic disney stuff like that and she trys to copy alot and she knows all the words to high school musical songs but shes learning to apreciate music she likes so she also has like kanye west on her music player, not the best choice but at least shes thinking for herself, thats what it comes down too i guess

yea its amazing how they know all the words, kids are so smart... its good for them to think for themselves but best teacher when they that young or not is the parents or older siblings as a mentor like with my kids, if they saw me listen to lil wayne or soulja boy then they'll do the same..now as teens they listen to what they want of course and think for themselves, my youngest is 13 and he listens to reggae, hip hop, r&b some altnerative,he has good taste in music but i guess thats because of how he was raised and with me playing good music in the home like with my parents.. i feel bad because there is alot of pressure put on teens..i know most of thier friends listen to pop or crank, however they call it :'(

Uncharted Date: Thursday, 02/Apr/09, 8:32 PM | Message # 28

[quote=Uncharted]saying ignorant. [/quote]
saying ignorant shit***
ill Date: Thursday, 02/Apr/09, 8:35 PM | Message # 29

Posts: 2087
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yeah as long as your kids are thinking the right way it doesnt matter too much, like drugs most kids are gonna expremient but unless you have a screw loose up there your not gonna let them take over your life

The World Is Yours
TheWatcher Date: Friday, 03/Apr/09, 8:45 AM | Message # 30

Posts: 941
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Quote (LadyChinita)
I'm a parent of three and i can tell u all children have different personalities and some are stronger than the others..me and my children get along like best friends but there comes a time i cant just be a friend but a real mom..i know its easy for many of u to say that the music wont affect but this is how i see it.. You only get one chance to raise ur children, there is no going back to make it right so why take chances..why not be the best parent u can be in raising ur kids...if music can possibly affect ur child and u dont know how strong ur child is then why let it in ur home..everyone is different but thats how i was when my kids where younger..now they older so they can listen to what they want but i still dont allow certain things in my house. when they have kids of their own its a different story.. sometimes i ask my son, would you let your child listen to this? and he'll say no.. so to me things change once you become a parent because like i said, you only get one shot at parenting your child so raise him the best way u can.. they gonna hear and see all the violence outside anyway so why bring it into ur home? thats my opinion..i think music changes ur mood and plays a big part in ur life..we can be the best parents but ur kids will always have their own personalities..i just know in the end as a parent u can look back and now u did ur best as a parent..you will never really know if music will affect them but why take that chance anyway..

If you go overly strict on your children they're more likely to rebel, I personally knew someone who wouldn't buy her son a 'toy gun' or something like that until he was 12 or so, I mean come on. I see no reason for why you would foribd your children (not saying you) to listen to any type of music unless you think they're stupid enough to actually live by the things put out in gangsta rap videos or what ever, or even worse some of that heavy metal bullshit is much worse than gangsta rap so ugh. I personally wouldn't tell my kids not to watch banned movies though I wouldn't let them watch porno flicks.. But I'd allow them to watch horror movies/action movies and that type of stuff if they wanted to.. You forbid your children to watch 18+ movies or w/e they're much more likely to do it.. I personally was never 'not allowed' to watch something but my cousin was and when ever he came over he'd watch a bunch of boring shit (imo) just because he wasn't allowed to, nobody else was interested in them except for him which I believe to be because his mother was the only one to go overly strict in that area.

If you think your kid will do what he sees in movies have him locked up in a mental hospital or what ever because he probably isn't functioning like he should be.
