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Evidence For God?
s0dr2 Date: Tuesday, 09/Feb/10, 0:42 AM | Message # 256

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (I_Guy)
Science is the last measure against the existence of a god.

Sounds excellent.

Quote (eboyd)
He can't defy science only on one thing and still be scientific.

Quote (eboyd)
so a scientist who believes in God must 1. attempt to challenge the first law of thermodynamics or 2. accept their belief in God as unscientific.

A scientist who believes in God would also believe that he can move a mountain, so you honestly think he would attempt to challenge the theory of gravity? thats nonsense. same with the first law of thermodynamics. If God is omnipotent, then he would be able to flat out defy the laws of science, but that doesnt mean we challenge these laws go and look for another explanation ... am i right?

Quote (eboyd)
And what I'm arguing is this: even if the first law of thermodynamics is wrong, what is more likely, an infinitely complex being that created everything or a rudimentary particle (ie: the Higgs Boson) that grew more complex and eventually everything became more complex from this natural process?

is the Higgs Boson even a theory? I read it was hypothetical

Quote (eboyd)
So because I don't believe in God or the supernatural I'm an immoral person??

lol I wasn't saying that. I meant religious conviction doesn't come by evidence alone, but you need to be morally inclined as well. im not saying anyone whos not moral is automatically an atheist

Quote (I_Guy)
Once you realize that a god is unlikely, then life becomes 10 times more beautiful.

Thats surprising...... so I assume you were a theist before?

Added (09/Feb/10, 0:42 Am)

Quote (I_Guy)
It's cool man. I have no problem with deists. As long as there is a detachment from established religions, it's fine IMO.

I thought "philosophy enabled easier forgiveness"?

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

eboyd Date: Tuesday, 09/Feb/10, 12:49 PM | Message # 257

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (abanks47)
what life has brought to me and the shit i've seen for me overpowers the need for 100% evidence that there is a god. it is lowering my standards but as i said earlier, the biggest proof for me that religion is helpful and that there is a god is my grandmas life. born in '22 shes lived through some of the most racist shit, has had family steal from her and provoke fights when they were unwanted. shes had a still born and mentally ill child. shes had mounds and mounds of shit in her life yet is to me the definition of a good christian woman, never judging or hurling insults at anyone. just shows love when possible. you ever go to her house everything is literally yours. never going hungry. sorry for ranting but just the overall way she carries herself and moral really inspires me and makes me think about what can do that for someone. her response is having a strong relationship with god. a large part of it also is for the simple fact i was raised this way. I am ok with this the same way you are able to sit in a pew with 100s of other people who feel the same way i am knowing in your mind and heart you dont feel the same way. i am not trying to judge you nor do i feel i am i a position to even attempt to do so but i recall a post in a different thread where you said you go to church. seems shady in some way but i dont know, im sure your reasons are just. apologies if it sounded like an insult and apologies for the above rant. passionate bout granma.

It's no problem. I just wanted to ask. And I'll explain the church thing. I was raised much like you. My grandma and grandpa both went through a similar situation to your grandma and, while they went through it during the Hungarian Revolution at the hands of the Russians and it did harden them a bit and, ironically, they were driven out of their first house in Detroit when they first escaped to America by the civil rights movement, they too were Christians (they were specifically Catholics) and they were so loving to me as well. Some of the best grandparents anyone could have. I was my grandma's little angel and could do no wrong in her eyes. My mom used to joke that she loved me more than her. I was actually baptized Catholic and went to a protestant church and I was a Christian up until I was 19 (3 and a half years ago). I still have many of my friends and mentors there at the church and it is a learning experience (and, of course, my mom is still a Christian and she asks me to go with her once in a while). The beauty of being an atheist, and the reason it is not hypocritical for an atheist to go to church is that unlike a Christian, who is taught that their God is the one true God and would be blaspheming if he went and worshiped in a Mosque for example, and vice versa for the Muslim who wants to worship in a church, there is nothing that is held to be blasphemous or sinful or evil to an atheist, because there is no doctrine of atheism. We live by the golden rule, just like Christians do. The golden rule actually predates Christianity and is a secular principal that came from ancient Greek philosophy. But thank you for bringing that up. You're not the first person who has asked how it is not hypocritical for an atheist to attend church and I love explaining this to people. Luckily no one has gotten offended that I go to church yet. If they did I would be in a pretty uncomfortable position. Of course the people at my church don't know I'm atheist, but others do.

Quote (abanks47)
not really sure what deist is. that me? i feel there should be no association with religion and politics. shit gets pretty ridiculous at times.

Nah, he was talking about ALCATRAZ. Deists generally believe in an impersonal God who simply created everything and has been absent or done nothing ever since. Others believe in a deity that does interfere with things in the universe but is still impersonal and more of a generic God than a specific religion's God.

Quote (s0dr2)
A scientist who believes in God would also believe that he can move a mountain, so you honestly think he would attempt to challenge the theory of gravity? thats nonsense. same with the first law of thermodynamics. If God is omnipotent, then he would be able to flat out defy the laws of science, but that doesnt mean we challenge these laws go and look for another explanation ... am i right?

....No, that still fits under what I said. The scientist would be accepting that God defies science. That's fine. That's on him. I would assume, however, that most religious scientists would actually challenge the first law of thermodynamics because scientists thing very analytically and belief in God isn't a very analytical belief.

Quote (s0dr2)
is the Higgs Boson even a theory? I read it was hypothetical

Due to the very high standard of evidence science has, the Higgs Boson is, in fact, simply hypothetical at this time, however, we have every reason to believe it exists until the Large Hadron Collider at CERN proves us wrong (if it does). They have mathematically proven that it exists though (mathematical proof, however, is not scientific proof).

Quote (s0dr2)
lol I wasn't saying that. I meant religious conviction doesn't come by evidence alone, but you need to be morally inclined as well. im not saying anyone whos not moral is automatically an atheist

But are you saying that anyone who is an atheist is unable to be moral?

Quote (s0dr2)
Thats surprising...... so I assume you were a theist before?

Why is that surprising? And yeah, I've had phone convos with I_Guy and he spoke about going to religious private schools that his parents placed him in because they raised him a Christian.

Quote (s0dr2)
I thought "philosophy enabled easier forgiveness"?

Lol. I think I_Guy has dealt with religious people who are very conniving and spiteful. People aren't perfect. The response is understandable. I've had some religious people backstab me pretty good myself. I don't let it effect my opinion of the religious community though. And it is true. Logic and reason has actually made it easier for me to forgive people who have done terrible things to me. My coach ruined my chances to go to USC out of high school and my Christian mother holds a lot of hatred towards him, but I have no malice for him whatsoever. It may be a bit hard to hold a conversation with him because he's not exactly the most friendly person, but we are fine with each other.

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-T.S. Eliot

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ritesofpasage Date: Tuesday, 09/Feb/10, 4:09 PM | Message # 258

Posts: 222
Reputation: 0
Quote (eboyd)
This thread is about providing evidence of God's existence. You have provided no evidence. You have simply made abstract claims that fit your beliefs. Allow me to sum up the argument I have quoted:

I_Guy: we can overcome faith through investigation.

You: faith and investigation are not mutually exclusive. Faith is purpose.

I_Guy: science reveals that there is no design.

You: DNA, the laws of life, creation and the ecosystem are all designs/designed.

I_Guy: losing faith is also natural.

You: losing faith is not natural. We lose things physically through aging but gain spiritually. There is a reason we have evolved faith. Faith has evolved for the purpose of human courage. We cannot explore or, by extension, grow without faith. Acknowledging belief in God is acknowledging human nature and the nature of one's self. I can discern between my creation and the creation of something or someone else and from that I may understand my purpose.

So now with what you said simplified, others can see that no evidence has been provided. You have asserted many things (of which a large chunk have been proven false by science) and provided no evidence whatsoever to back them up, and you have also presented arguments based on false premises. I will debunk a few of your claims:

"faith and investigation are not mutually exclusive. Faith is purpose."

Faith is, by definition, belief with a complete lack evidenciary justification. Claiming false evidence also fits under this definition because false evidence is not evidence at all. By definition faith and PROPER investigation are mutually exclusive. Your personal faith may let you know of a purpose you feel is pre-ordained, but being as there is no evidenciary support for what you believe, faith itself is not purpose for everyone.

"DNA, the laws of life, creation and the ecosystem are all designs/designed"

This is blatantly false. The most likely current theory of how DNA came about, and this has been tested time after time without any failures, is the theory of abiogenesis, a process by which amino acids form naturally in given environments and form chains. DNA is a complex amino acid chain. Scientists have even gone as far as setting up an environment in which RNA has been observed naturally evolving through such processes. The "laws of life", by which I assume you mean the natural laws that all matter and energy follow, are mere abstractions. Yes, they have been created... by the very scientists that conceptualized them. They do not exist in any physical form. Creation, in the sense that you believe in it, doesn't likely exist, so I'm not even going to speak on that. The ecosystem, much like DNA, has a perfectly natural (as in scientifically reasonable/not supernatural) explanation that has, and will continue to be explained by science, much of which contradicts the very essence of belief in a supernatural deity that created and controls everything.

"losing faith is not natural"

If we break down the meanings of "faith" and "natural" here in order to restate this, here is what we get:

"losing belief in what is not supported by evidence is not akin with science."

Anyone of sufficient intelligence can see the inherent contradiction in this statement.

"We lose things physically through aging but gain spiritually."

Some people do claim to gain a sort of spiritual awareness with age. Some of the people included in this group are even well known ex-atheists, including scientists. However, many people, including myself lose a sense of spirituality with age. This is also the case for many of today's leading atheists. There have been well-known priests and preachers who have become atheist. As a matter of fact, I would contend that religious folks are becoming atheist at a faster rate than atheists are becoming religious.

"Faith has evolved for the purpose of human courage."

On the contrary, as an atheist, it is my lack of faith that has helped me gain courage far more than when I was a faithful Christian. I now understand myself far more than I ever did when I was a Christian, and I am in more tune with reality and logic than I have ever been. I was very self-conscious as a Christian and Christianity, in large part, had to do with my self-consciousness. I am now an atheist and, though I am not trying to make correlation become causation, I am telling you that my self-confidence is much higher now. This has nothing to do with God or spirituality. It has to do with me finding out how to use my logic to become more confident. I am no longer afraid to attribute this confidence to myself like I was when I believed in God. Back then I felt the need to attribute all of my greatest features to God. That, if anything, detracted from my courage and my confidence.

"We cannot explore or, by extension, grow without faith."

This is an abstract statement even after I have summarized it. Could you please explain this? What do you mean by grow? In what way can we not grow without faith? If I understand what you mean, then I will say that I have "grown" as a person since becoming an atheist in many ways.

"I can discern between my creation and the creation of something or someone else and from that I may understand my purpose."

Purpose is subjective. That's the beauty of being free mentally of the concept of a God. There is no pre-ordained purpose. The beauty is that we get to choose what our reason for existing is. We may not have the free will that many people think we have, but there is still no outside force attributing a meaning or purpose to our lives

We can argue about the rules of arguing on your website. Or about what constitutes evidence. You assert that my testimony has no evidence. You are making the claim that nothing metaphysical exists or no god exists. This is your belief. I am not here just to be made subject to your question. I have more to say than that. If you don't want to listen to that skip it. You haven't defined what acceptable evidence would be. You probably don't believe in any evidence that would be submitted.

As I submitted that DNA, the laws of life, creation and the ecosystem are all designs/designed by God.

You said: the natural laws that all matter and energy follow, are mere abstractions.

I am talking about the carbon cycle. Nothing abstracted there. All life is composed of carbon which is a design. Photosynthesis and cellular respiration fuel the globe. All life ceases to exist and becomes part of the nitrogen cycle when bacteria eat it. The cycles themselves are global and interconnected. Nothing random. We are in an ecosystem. Science will never completely unravel all of the connections in nature. But the little science has unraveled has pointed to the fact that we are all connected.

The metaphysical is a completely connected plane. The physical seems to be distinct but is a connected plane as well. The mind is proof of the metaphysical in humans though it is not limited to humans. But because we are humans we have to start there. God is the universe of the metaphysical. More proof of God or love or the universe of the metaphysical is light. Light is a substance that is not distinct but interconnected it surpasses the physical because light can carry everything in it. It carries nutrients to plants. Information to computers and other energies. Study light if you want to know about the metaphysical or God in a physical plane. It is hard to articulate God to those in a physical form. In the spiritual you already know because you are part of it. God is love not emotions but heart. Divorce from heart is the making of an atheist. Because you deny those knowledge systems you have less not more information. The truth is. It just is. But for those who seek it you have to be willing to feel it to. We all have intuition we can feel what is true and what is false. Because we are connected to the truth when we don't cut out our heart.

Check out my melody faithfulness is the fidelity of my soundtrack to that of the heavenlies.....

Message edited by ritesofpasage - Tuesday, 09/Feb/10, 4:15 PM
eboyd Date: Tuesday, 09/Feb/10, 5:54 PM | Message # 259

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (ritesofpasage)
We can argue about the rules of arguing on your website. Or about what constitutes evidence. You assert that my testimony has no evidence. You are making the claim that nothing metaphysical exists or no god exists. This is your belief. I am not here just to be made subject to your question. I have more to say than that. If you don't want to listen to that skip it. You haven't defined what acceptable evidence would be. You probably don't believe in any evidence that would be submitted.

??? this has nothing to do with the site's mode of argumentation or what constitutes sufficient evidence in my mind. it has to do with science and what is scientifically acceptable as evidence. the burden of proof for the existence of God has not been met, and there is a scientific consensus on that. none of the so-called evidence for God has passed peer-review, and some of the things people use as evidence, while it may be evidence of ancient religions existing and people believing in God thousands of years ago, if any of it were to go through peer-review being pushed as evidence for the existence of God it would not stand up to scrutiny. the best "evidence" that has been used is simply evidence that we do not yet know what the answer is to every single thing in the universe (wait, yes we do. it's 42 rofl ).

Quote (ritesofpasage)
You said: the natural laws that all matter and energy follow, are mere abstractions.

that was part of what i said. i also addressed DNA and the ecosystem and explained exactly how they are NOT designed, but rather occur naturally without anyone/anything creating them.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
I am talking about the carbon cycle. Nothing abstracted there. All life is composed of carbon which is a design.

define design for me quickly because with the definition that i am thinking of (the dictionary definition) you are dead wrong. provide evidence that carbon was designed. you can't, because you would have to rely on science to provide this evidence and science negates your idea that carbon was designed. unless of course our definitions of design are incompatible, in which case i would appreciate you elaborate.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration fuel the globe. All life ceases to exist and becomes part of the nitrogen cycle when bacteria eat it. The cycles themselves are global and interconnected. Nothing random.

you seem to make a false dichotomy that everything is either designed or random. the idea behind Darwinian evolution, for example, is that life is not designed, nor random. there is a "random" element (random mutation, which isn't really random because, while these mutations seem random, they still have causal precedents), but it is accompanied by a very precise and natural element that has nothing to do with design as well (natural selection). that is how most things work in nature. the explanations may seem random to some, but in reality, we are saying that nature works in a very precise way without design of any sort. design only comes into play when conscious biological structures are involved.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
Science will never completely unravel all of the connections in nature.

i think it's a bit arrogant for anyone to make any claim of absolute knowledge. it may not, it is likely that it won't unravel all of the connections in nature. that doesn't mean that we know for sure that it won't and that surely doesn't mean that we should live in reverence to an omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent, omnipotent being to which there is no evidence supporting his/her/it's existence. you are well within your rights to live that way, but to assert that others must as well is not acceptable.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
But the little science has unraveled has pointed to the fact that we are all connected.

i agree, but probably not in the same way that you envision it.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
The metaphysical is a completely connected plane.

the metaphysical is an abstraction used in philosophy to help explain some of the fundamentals of our existence. there is no metaphysical plane that we can define scientifically because, by definition, metaphysics is the study of that which underlies science.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
The physical seems to be distinct but is a connected plane as well.

i would agree. we are connected causally and also in that we are made from the very same matter and energy that abounds the entire universe and likely has eternally.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
The mind is proof of the metaphysical in humans though it is not limited to humans.

one of the fundamental studies in metaphysics is the philosophy of the mind. the leading philosophical school within the philosophy of the mind is monism, which includes the dual aspect theory as well, and it has thoroughly replaced mind-body dualism as the leading philosophical school in the mind debate.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
More proof of God or love or the universe of the metaphysical is light. Light is a substance that is not distinct but interconnected it surpasses the physical because light can carry everything in it

light is made up of photons and science has done a great job of explaining it. try again.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
Study light if you want to know about the metaphysical or God in a physical plane.

light is very much on the "physical plane" and has been studied extensively by scientists. any information you provide on light and it's properties and whatnot will be physical properties explained by scientists. you don't seem to know how to disseminate very well between these distinct planes that you fallaciously draw a dichotomy between.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
Study light if you want to know about the metaphysical or God in a physical plane.

so wait, now light is somewhere in between these supposed physical and metaphysical planes? have you been watching "Everything Is Spiritual"?

Quote (ritesofpasage)
In the spiritual you already know because you are part of it.

would you care to provide evidence that a "spiritual world" even exists?

Quote (ritesofpasage)
God is love

this is usually a red light that the debate is going nowhere, but i will continue to listen open mindedly, waiting for actual evidence to be provided.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
God is love not emotions but heart. Divorce from heart is the making of an atheist.

my heart is an organ pounding in my chest that plays an integral role in keeping me alive. i am an atheist and i love a lot of people and things. i am not a pessimist or a negative person, but rather a realist, a rationalist if you may. i actually look at atheism in the exact opposite light. i feel that i very well know my place on earth and the scarcity of my time here and so i cherish it much more than i would expect someone who believes living a disciplined life here will buy them a ticket to live an eternal life in heaven. if my definition of love is not compatible with yours, please correct me.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
Because you deny those knowledge systems you have less not more information.

i don't necessarily deny the information, but rather i expect the information to meet a burden of proof, much like when a court renders a verdict on someone for a specific crime, the burden of proof that the person committed the crime must first be met because the victim is making the claim. the courts and jury are not denying knowledge, but rather using their reasoning to disseminate between fallacies and truths. fallacies are not knowledge. as a matter of fact, i would call fallacies the opposite of knowledge, even the enemy of knowledge. truths are knowledge. the God hypothesis has yet to meet it's burden of proof. if one day it does, that will be the day i become a believer again.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
The truth is. It just is.

and so you acknowledge this as well. unfortunately something got lost in translation.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
But for those who seek it you have to be willing to feel it to.

and i am. of course not in the sense that you mean, but if we want to talk about that, i was for 19 years. and my mother prays for me every day that God leads me back, and he has yet to answer that prayer. i have a feeling i know why.

Quote (ritesofpasage)
We all have intuition we can feel what is true and what is false.

^^^ if that isn't an account of intuition, i don't know what is.

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-T.S. Eliot

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ritesofpasage Date: Tuesday, 09/Feb/10, 8:08 PM | Message # 260

Posts: 222
Reputation: 0

Check out my melody faithfulness is the fidelity of my soundtrack to that of the heavenlies.....
Menace Date: Tuesday, 09/Feb/10, 9:00 PM | Message # 261

Posts: 6764
Reputation: 0
Oh not Jesus again show me historical secular evidence that Jesus existed . And don't bring Pliny , Tacitus and the gang . :D

eboyd Date: Wednesday, 10/Feb/10, 2:37 AM | Message # 262

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
ok....? what was your reason for posting that video? it has no bearing on anything. there is no evidence Jesus even existed let alone was able to perform miracles. the oldest writings that even come close to referencing Jesus were from Tacitus and they were dated to around 60 years after his purported (yes, i said purported) death and were as vague as to simply reference the name Ieshoua which was a common Jewish name, so he may have been referencing anyone:

"Any good dictionary will show the derivation or the history of the translation of Jesus through the various languages. All agree that the word “Jesus is a transcription or a copy of the Greek name … which is a derivation of the Hebrew Ieshoua, a common Jewish name” according to the book The Names and Titles of Jesus by Leopold Sabourin, S.J."


my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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ritesofpasage Date: Wednesday, 10/Feb/10, 5:50 PM | Message # 263

Posts: 222
Reputation: 0

Check out my melody faithfulness is the fidelity of my soundtrack to that of the heavenlies.....
eboyd Date: Wednesday, 10/Feb/10, 6:40 PM | Message # 264

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
and....... ? this is the same argument that almost every ex-atheist i've noticed falls for. it's called God of the gaps. if God does exist, we will someday be able to find him/her/it through science, until which day i have no reason to become a believer. to add to that, the scientific likelihood of a God existing is improbable to the point of virtual impossibility so that gives me even more reason to lean from the neutral agnostic stance far more in the direction of agnostic atheism. and btw, i stated that many of the world's most renowned scientists have converted from atheism to religion in the past. this has little bearing on my life. i have no reason to fall for an appeal to authority. until the evidence shows me otherwise, why should i believe? and if and when i ever do come to the realization that a God exists, why would i specifically lean towards the Christian God? or a God of any specific religion for that matter?

also, the Jesus bones thing in the bottom right corner is ridiculous. i would love to take someone seriously with a claim like that but religious fanatics lie so often about evidence that has been found that such a claim cannot be taken seriously until i see a peer reviewed paper on it that claims it is truly Jesus' bones and then i will of course have to check on the names on the list (considering the Discovery Institute fiasco where DI, using crooked tactics, gathered hundreds of signatures of scientists, which included very few credible scientists in the field of biology, and even gathered the signatures of people who weren't scientists but they claimed they were, and they tried to put together a peer reviewed paper that showed a scientific consensus that Darwinian evolution needs some serious revisions). and yet and still, even if they did, in fact, find Jesus' bones, they would need then to prove that he actually was the son of God and did the things he was claimed to have done or else all we would know is that Jesus was an actual man.

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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s0dr2 Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 1:20 AM | Message # 265

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (eboyd)
But are you saying that anyone who is an atheist is unable to be moral?

No. I just mentioned that being moral is a factor (among others) needed for religious conviction.

Quote (eboyd)
Why is that surprising?

I dunno, life just seems very... harsh... I have on my mind beheadings and unrequitted love.

Now I'm not saying I'm a Christian because "it's a blanket" for the cold weather.

Quote (eboyd)
until which day i have no reason to become a believer.

What about Pascal's wager (lol at my imagination of your reaction). And I know it doesn't take into account other religions, but why not just bet on Christianity and go with the flow? You go to church anyways, right? Or a better question, do you have any reason NOT to become a believer?

Added (11/Feb/10, 1:20 Am)
I remember hearing Richard Dawkins saying the argument from design is the most convincing.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

eboyd Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 7:04 AM | Message # 266

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (s0dr2)
No. I just mentioned that being moral is a factor (among others) needed for religious conviction.

of course those that claim to be religious yet commit terrible crimes conveniently weren't true Christians, right? at least we own up to the fact that someone was an atheist when an atheist does something terrible.

Quote (s0dr2)
I dunno, life just seems very... harsh... I have on my mind beheadings and unrequitted love.

it isn't harsh at all. atheists view the world in a more realistic, natural, organic way in which we realize that there is nothing past this life so we cherish everything that much more. we are at one with nature. what do beheadings have to do with anything?

Quote (s0dr2)
What about Pascal's wager (lol at my imagination of your reaction). And I know it doesn't take into account other religions, but why not just bet on Christianity and go with the flow? You go to church anyways, right? Or a better question, do you have any reason NOT to become a believer?


if i chose to believe in God and devote myself to Christianity, i would have to give up many of the pleasures of life (including, and most importantly for me, free thought, logic, critical thinking, philosophy, reason, etc., not to mention pre-marital sex ;) ) that i enjoy as a non-Christian and i would have to put my thinking in a box. i don't want that. i want to think for myself without any outside help. if Christianity is, in fact, wrong, i would have given up any opportunity to do those things during my tenure on earth, and on top of that, even if i did convert, there would be no guarantee i would get into heaven and the likelihood would be low anyways because my belief would not be sincere. it would only be belief for the sake of fear.

Quote (s0dr2)
I remember hearing Richard Dawkins saying the argument from design is the most convincing.

lol coming from him that would be equivalent to saying "feces partially composed of beef particles tend to be the tastiest logs of shit". rofl

my new theme song


"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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s0dr2 Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 9:46 AM | Message # 267

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (eboyd)
of course those that claim to be religious yet commit terrible crimes conveniently weren't true Christians, right?

Right. God expects us to lead moral lives, not simply following religious observances. And btw, that person didn't believe in the Christian God.

Quote (eboyd)
it isn't harsh at all. atheists view the world in a more realistic, natural, organic way in which we realize that there is nothing past this life so we cherish everything that much more. we are at one with nature. what do beheadings have to do with anything?

(for suffering): If I'm a rabbit, and I see a lion coming to attack me, then Ill be happy I have heaven......
as for things like beheadings or other scary things like the articles youve linked, or this woman (who was never charged), one may find comfort in:

Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"says the Lord.

Quote (eboyd)
if i chose to believe in God and devote myself to Christianity, i would have to give up many of the pleasures of life (including, and most importantly for me, free thought, logic, critical thinking, philosophy, reason, etc., not to mention pre-marital sex ;) )

Okay, then how about you keep those "pleasures" (minus pre-marital sex).

Quote (eboyd)
and on top of that, even if i did convert, there would be no guarantee i would get into heaven and the likelihood would be low anyways because my belief would not be sincere. it would only be belief for the sake of fear.

I doubt the fear would last... perfect love casts out fear, you're not going to be perfected in love from day 1. Out of curiosity, were you baptized? Because that's a guarantee right there (if you were to die right after). Then there's confession (but I don't think any Protestants believe in that).

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Message edited by s0dr2 - Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 9:49 AM
eboyd Date: Thursday, 11/Feb/10, 5:17 PM | Message # 268

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (s0dr2)
And btw, that person didn't believe in the Christian God.

what person didn't believe in the Christian God? both of those people were Christian fanatics!

Quote (s0dr2)
(for suffering): If I'm a rabbit, and I see a lion coming to attack me, then Ill be happy I have heaven......

no you won't because as a rabbit you wouldn't have the mental capacity to understand the concept of God and heaven.

Quote (s0dr2)
as for things like beheadings or other scary things like the articles youve linked, or this woman (who was never charged), one may find comfort in:

Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"says the Lord.

and you think that because atheism has no scripture to tell us not to do that, we will do it more often? take a look around! the US is the most hardcore God fearing country in the world and it has one of the highest crime rates, is one of the main proponents of the death penalty, has the highest prison population, etc. and the overwhelming majority of the people in the prisons in the US are self-proclaimed Christians.


now i'm not posting these to assert that religion leads to immorality (though, unfortunately, these studies do actually suggest that), but rather that there is no correlation between atheism and immorality or religion and morality.

Quote (s0dr2)
Okay, then how about you keep those "pleasures" (minus pre-marital sex).

these pleasures include thinking and reasoning and doing things that go against the idea of the existence of a God (and i can't give up my pre-marital sex :D )

Quote (s0dr2)
I doubt the fear would last... perfect love casts out fear, you're not going to be perfected in love from day 1.

maybe not, but i guarantee my disbelief in God would last. i'm too intelligent not to question.

Quote (s0dr2)
Out of curiosity, were you baptized?

i was baptized Catholic.

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-T.S. Eliot

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I_Guy Date: Friday, 12/Feb/10, 3:54 PM | Message # 269

Posts: 1792
Reputation: 1
Quote (s0dr2)
What about Pascal's wager (lol at my imagination of your reaction). And I know it doesn't take into account other religions, but why not just bet on Christianity and go with the flow? You go to church anyways, right? Or a better question, do you have any reason NOT to become a believer?

Because that would be intellectually dishonest and the person would torture themselves due to knowing they abandoned their higher thinking so that they can simply blend in. They'll know they're being phony.

Aside from that, religious mentality holds back human growth. Religion (Abrahamic religions especially) are anti-life.

Quote (s0dr2)
God expects us to lead moral lives, not simply following religious observances.

And imagine how noble it is to lead a moral life without the fear of a god staring down your neck.

We all know that each of our end is near; the question is do we accept the end of our living existence, or do we accept our existence as dead men...
I_Guy Date: Friday, 12/Feb/10, 4:00 PM | Message # 270

Posts: 1792
Reputation: 1
Btw, it's not surprising that some people accept god as they get old. They grow old, they grow weak-minded, they grow fearful. They're mind fails them.

We all know that each of our end is near; the question is do we accept the end of our living existence, or do we accept our existence as dead men...