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Evidence For God?
eboyd Date: Thursday, 29/Oct/09, 2:33 PM | Message # 76

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Wtf? Why did sodr2's comment get deleted? I didn't even get to see it.

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I_Guy Date: Thursday, 29/Oct/09, 2:47 PM | Message # 77

Posts: 1792
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He didn't comment. He posted a video "Dancing Queen" by Abba. Trying to fucking throw us off topic for no reason at all.

We all know that each of our end is near; the question is do we accept the end of our living existence, or do we accept our existence as dead men...
s0dr2 Date: Thursday, 29/Oct/09, 3:30 PM | Message # 78

Posts: 2772
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Quote (Menace)
Sodr2 your a moral monster because of your Gods entertainment we suffer that's the simplest answer

What if... a pharmacist prescribes medication and you don't take it? Who's the monster?

Added (29/Oct/09, 3:30 Pm)

Quote (I_Guy)
Satan would then actually view God as evil.

I would think Satan is a little smarter than that. He knows he's evil and up against, as he says, "Son of the Most High God." You don't think the devil deliberately lying to Adam and Eve, tempting Jesus, and trying to bring others away from the faith as evil?

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Menace Date: Thursday, 29/Oct/09, 5:00 PM | Message # 79

Posts: 6764
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Quote (sodr2)
What if... a pharmacist prescribes medication and you don't take it? Who's the monster?

the pharmacist made you SICK IN THE FIRST PLACE SO HE CAN GIVE YOU THIS MEDICATION are you simply that ignorant sodr2 ?? Let me quote I_Guy again "The world WAS once perfect, so it WAS within the capacity of God to rig the world up so it can be perfect. Yet somehow he allowed the devil to intervene." I will say it again God already knew that we will fail this test because he has all omni's he deliberately made a crime against HUMANITY in allowing us to fail and throughout history constantly massacring each other you don't see the problem here Sodr2 are you that morally fucked ?? are you that brainwashed that you can't see how morally wrong this is ? this is simply outrageous

I_Guy Date: Thursday, 29/Oct/09, 7:48 PM | Message # 80

Posts: 1792
Reputation: 1
Quote (sodr2)
I would think Satan is a little smarter than that. He knows he's evil

Do you think Osama Bin Laden thinks of himself as evil? It's the same thing.

This is a clear example of your inability to understand other perspectives.

We all know that each of our end is near; the question is do we accept the end of our living existence, or do we accept our existence as dead men...
eboyd Date: Thursday, 29/Oct/09, 8:17 PM | Message # 81

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (I_Guy)
Do you think Osama Bin Laden thinks of himself as evil? It's the same thing.
This is a clear example of your inability to understand other perspectives.

while i think personally that Osama may actually believe what he does is evil, this does bring up a good point. sodr, are you in his mind? do you know if he is evil? just as i cannot quite understand why you believe in God and you cannot quite understand why i don't, how do you know whether the devil (if he, by some miniscule chance, exists) actually KNOWS that he is evil? how do you know that he does think that God isn't the evil one (and pardon me, but i can simpathize with that if it is true)?

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Menace Date: Thursday, 29/Oct/09, 9:02 PM | Message # 82

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Quote (eboyd)
while i think personally that Osama may actually believe what he does is evil,

he actually thinks what he's doing it's good that's the whole thing about dogmatism you think you doing good that's the main characteristic of extreme dogmatism

eboyd Date: Thursday, 29/Oct/09, 9:07 PM | Message # 83

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (Menace)
he actually thinks what he's doing it's good that's the whole thing about dogmatism you think you doing good that's the main characteristic of extreme dogmatism

probably, but we don't know because we do not inhabit his brain :D

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Menace Date: Thursday, 29/Oct/09, 9:14 PM | Message # 84

Posts: 6764
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Quote (eboyd)
probably, but we don't know because we do not inhabit his brain

Islamic fundamentalists are the same regardless it's a herd mentality this herd mentality reigns in people who hold dogmatic views of the world

eboyd Date: Thursday, 29/Oct/09, 9:45 PM | Message # 85

Posts: 13145
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Yes, but he is basically at the "top of the pyramid" and sometimes the leader knows what he/she is preaching is wrong but it helps them gain power and so they preach it anyways. If you want evidence of this just read these holy books. Those peoples' intentions are so obvious it's scray. Those people know they are evil and don't care.

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s0dr2 Date: Friday, 30/Oct/09, 11:04 AM | Message # 86

Posts: 2772
Reputation: 1
Quote (Menace)
the pharmacist made you SICK IN THE FIRST PLACE SO HE CAN GIVE YOU THIS MEDICATION are you simply that ignorant sodr2 ?? Let me quote I_Guy again "The world WAS once perfect, so it WAS within the capacity of God to rig the world up so it can be perfect. Yet somehow he allowed the devil to intervene." I will say it again God already knew that we will fail this test because he has all omni's he deliberately made a crime against HUMANITY in allowing us to fail and throughout history constantly massacring each other you don't see the problem here Sodr2 are you that morally fucked ?? are you that brainwashed that you can't see how morally wrong this is ? this is simply outrageous

first of all, it is by our own fault that suffering exists... and let me ask you something else: can love and mercy exist without justice?

Quote (I_Guy)
Do you think Osama Bin Laden thinks of himself as evil? It's the same thing.

No, because he thinks he's on God's side. And, no, I'm not in Satan's mind, but hello... the Bible?

You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the most heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High."

Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring—those who obey God's commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

His actions stem from greed and wants to lead the whole world astray. You think the devil would encourage someone to help someone else in need? Obviously not, because whatever we do to the least, we do to God. He's the one who influences us to sin. And if that's not evil, I don't know what you call it.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Menace Date: Friday, 30/Oct/09, 11:37 AM | Message # 87

Posts: 6764
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Quote (sodr2)
can love and mercy exist without justice?

yes it can because Adam and Eve lived in a UTOPIA there is not concept of justice in an UTOPIA you lack basic philosophy my friend

Quote (sodr2)
first of all, it is by our own fault that suffering exists...

dude are you retarded ?? i will repeat myself "The world WAS once perfect, so it WAS within the capacity of God to rig the world up so it can be perfect. Yet somehow he allowed the devil to intervene." I will say it again God already knew that we will fail this test because he has all omni's he deliberately made a crime against HUMANITY in allowing us to fail and throughout history constantly massacring each other it's not our FAULT he knew that we will fail and he still tested us is like your metaphor he didn't gave us medicine to make us healthy he made us ill so he an give us medicine we were completely healthy in the first place why he did what he did ?? why he let the devil intervene knowing we will fail in the first place he deliberately let him intervene you don't see the moral dilemma here ?? he brought death and torment on us because he knowingly let us fail

eboyd Date: Friday, 30/Oct/09, 12:30 PM | Message # 88

Posts: 13145
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Boner-Jamz-11 Date: Friday, 30/Oct/09, 12:30 PM | Message # 89

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My religion is the taco religion. We are all descendants of the great taco since we are made of various juicy meats. If we eat tacos every day we will go to taco bell when we die, if we don't we will go to taco hell. I have no actual proof that this is true, but it is written down and I said it was true...so it must be true. Convert to tacoism or go to taco hell!

tacoism ftw


eboyd Date: Friday, 30/Oct/09, 1:01 PM | Message # 90

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Lol! I've seen that before. Where is that from?

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-T.S. Eliot

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