So i found this guy on youtube because i was looking up sleep paralysis since I have been dealing with SP for like all my life almost every month. I had like 10 different sleep paralysis events last nite and I haven't had any sleep at all.
But anyway he has a series of 4 videos where he tries to prove jesus's existence with non biblical resources.
This needs to be in religious debate. As for the thread, there is no historical or scientific evidence from the time that it is suggested that Jesus lived to prove or even suggest that Jesus actually existed. my new theme song
"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"
The Greco-Roman Pagan sources and Jewish sources that cite Jesus are 100 years later, the oldest source citing Jesus was written between 93 and 94 AD in the "Antiquities of the Jews" by Flavius Josephus, and even these sources are debatable because there seems to be many interpolations. Again even the bible is not an historical account because the bible was written later , the same as the secular historical accounts the bible was written between 125-150 AD. Its seems to be a 100 year old gap in everything. Even if all of these all bollocks the bible from an historical point of view is pretty much off point, for example there are many dates there that are off shot many historical figures that didn't live in the period the bible mentions and many other things. So historically no he didn't exist, historical accounts about him dating to his period don't exist, so for now we can't say he existed.