Quote (eboyd)
i see what you are saying. i just want you to clarify though because you don't fully make it clear, are you arguing that Christianity and religion are different or that Christianity is a religion? if the former, what makes them different (ie: how are you defining religion)? if the latter, what makes it automatically religious? also, would you agree with my definition (above) of religion?
Quote (eboyd)
definition of religion. i would consider any set of common beliefs (and by that i mean that it needs to share multiple common traits, guidelines, etc., within a group of people, not just one or two commonalities) revolving around how the universe came to exist, the metaphysical, the supernatural, and other things that have not been/cannot be explained by science to be a religion.
I don't like definitions because I can live with mysteries. Religion in the way the term is used I think is an organized group of people that are worshiping something supernatural or beyond the natural. Yes I agree. By worshiping I would say that they are expending time, energy or effort to honor and give glory to something. I don't think religion is a set of people who cannot just live with mysteries. Because in many religions people are told to accept mysteries. Live by faith excreta. People are not consoling each other over unknown dimensions people are sharing wisdom of known spiritual senses. Communication through other mediums or other supernatural methods.