Alright, I'v just been reading Business Week and here's what our dear sweet politicians plan to do: 1. The Treasury Department establishes a 'Bad Bank' to buy failing stock from smaller banks.
2. The Fed and private investors further fund this bank.
3. This 'Bad Bank' uses it's funding to buy up bad stocks from these banks so they can hold them and see them through until they become healthy again. Here's where the catch is: losses are split between the people who have invested in this conceptual bank and TAXPAYERS!
4. The treasury and investors commit additional capital to these banks, compensating for losses realized from selling these bad assets.
So in a nutshell, if you or your family are law abiding citizens and the US government over or under-estimates the amount these banks need (which is a given. There is no was in HELL the gov't will predict the right amount), you are basically FUCKED! Seriously, speak out if you know what is good for you. Research a bit better and write a letter to the president, try to gather people to protest, etc., because this is bullshit. This will do nothing but FUCK the citizens. Let the gov't know we don't want or need this. Don't let them stomp on your toes any further. We run this country, not them. Let's make it actually be that way.