Nuclear War
Bacon |
Date: Monday, 25/May/09, 1:54 AM | Message # 1 |
I'm scaring myself to death after hearing North Korea launched a short-range test nuke. SOmeone here gimmie straight facts. Is Nuclear war imminiet? Are we the last generation of humans on earth? are we just going to die from this stupid, fucking retarded bomb? I mean there are hundreds of thousands of these bombs, and only a couple hundred could kill us all. I need these questions answered -Honestly, is WW3/Thermo Nuclear War about to happen (10 years or less?) -Is nuclear war certain death for all western civilazation0 -What are the chances of the US being able to defend itself properly from a full scale attack? -Is there a legitmate reason to be scared? or at least worried? Thanks people! Im fucking scared. At least knowing whats up is better than "Shit. uhhhhh".
Render215 |
Date: Monday, 25/May/09, 1:59 AM | Message # 2 |
Posts: 796
Bacon, my friend, you are suffering from what is known as ' the Cassandra Complex'.. It's OK.. We are all going to die in a Nuclear Blast of Fucking Death and Pain... Perhaps those of us with enough credits will be ushered into underground bunkers for experimentation during the war.
"People said his brain was infected by Devils..."
Furious_Pryme |
Date: Monday, 25/May/09, 2:20 AM | Message # 3 |
Quote (Bacon) I'm scaring myself to death after hearing North Korea launched a short-range test nuke. Didnt North Korea do this a few months ago? aswell? Quote (Bacon) What are the chances of the US being able to defend itself properly from a full scale attack? Not very good
Acekat00o |
Date: Monday, 25/May/09, 4:13 AM | Message # 4 |
Posts: 1642
I'ts all propaganda ,Korea or Iran or anyother poor cowntry does not have any kind of weapon of mass destruction , just an excuse to launch an atack at north korea just like with iran or iraq
Menace |
Date: Monday, 25/May/09, 7:09 AM | Message # 5 |
Posts: 6764
Bacon you are living in the red scare my friend back in the Cold War the Soviet Union was way ahead whit the nuclear arms race then the US and they didn't attack the US despite all the heavy McCarthy era propaganda superpowers in general don't attack one another they use the rest of the world as their battleground plus North Korea ain't gonna attack no one the problem is that a communist country holds nuclear weapons that's the only problem a small country like North Korea develops nuclear weapons and could secure more influence in the area then the US and one thing more the North Korean nuclear program is illegal yes it is but Israels nuclear program is illegal too why disarm one and arm another ?? that goes against all anti nuclear and peace keeping ethics these are all political games that have nothing to do whit peace or morality or the actual welfare of the common people ohh and take it from the Russians they are border neighbors whit North Korea a Russian official stated this "Their nuclear program does not have military aims — their only aim is to frighten the U.S. and receive more humanitarian aid as a result,"
Furious_Pryme |
Date: Monday, 25/May/09, 9:22 AM | Message # 6 |
Quote (Acekat00o) I'ts all propaganda ,Korea or Iran or anyother poor cowntry does not have any kind of weapon of mass Lmao! dude North korea has Nuclear weapons everyone knows this its not propaganda
Menace |
Date: Monday, 25/May/09, 9:52 AM | Message # 7 |
Posts: 6764
Quote (Acekat00o) I'ts all propaganda ,Korea or Iran or anyother poor cowntry does not have any kind of weapon of mass destruction , just an excuse to launch an atack at north korea just like with iran or iraq ohh North Korea has nukes Iran on the other hand doesn't have nukes Iran developed nuclear power but they are not yet fit to create nuclear weapons plus if i was Iran surrounded by hostiles i would boost my military power too the US seems to extend her hegemony very quick and a country like Iran is very vulnerable the US government seems to not understand that countries have their own autonomy and whit out popular support you don't even lend a hand to that particular country look at Afghanistan and Iraq the worlds powerful countries allied whit each other didn't defeat some rogue peasants whit AK 47 why ??? because the allies have no popular support if the US would lend some help to the popular movements in Afghanistan maybe they could change something but they resort to military intervention
Boner-Jamz-11 |
Date: Monday, 25/May/09, 3:15 PM | Message # 8 |
Posts: 3900
North korea is gonna attack the US!!!!! War is coming!! We are all gonna die!!!!! You have to pray to Allah, Jesus, buddah, tom cruise!!! Save me tom cruise!!! Help me oprah!!!
Furious_Pryme |
Date: Monday, 25/May/09, 7:44 PM | Message # 9 |
I found what acekat said to be funny..well the north korea part anyways the rest is true tho. i mean Kim jong ill (thats his name right?) as admited countless number of times on the news that NK has nuclear weapsons sure he may have said this in korean and it was in english subtitles on australian news and whereever else and yes they "could" have changed what he said in the subtitles. but they have proof of them having nuke's and whatever else, hell they have 3000 semi rockets aimed at south korea they even have shit aimed at china, japan, the US (i think), Australia (i think)
Furious_Pryme |
Date: Monday, 25/May/09, 8:39 PM | Message # 10 |
Quote (8Diagrams), they're not, as they don't own shit. So who owns North Korea's Nuclear weapons?
Menace |
Date: Monday, 25/May/09, 8:45 PM | Message # 11 |
Posts: 6764
Quote (Furious_Pryme) at china what ?? China and North Korea are allies they are in the same communist international LOL dude get outta here LOL and they just tested the missiles people felt it in Russia they tested the missiles in the underground they even admitted in front of the UN security council LOL
Furious_Pryme |
Date: Monday, 25/May/09, 9:00 PM | Message # 12 |
Quote (Menace) what ?? China and North Korea are allies they are in the same communist international LOL dude get outta here LOL and they just tested the missiles people felt it in Russia they tested the missiles in the underground they even admitted in front of the UN security council LOL You must'n known much about asia menace...china and korea may be at "peace" and act liek allies but the truth is they hate one another, as a matter of fact Japan, china & korea (theres 2 other asian countrys in this aswell i cant remember witch tho) have been enemies since before the dynasty days cause they have all wanted to make there country bigger. North korea is just acting smart getting china on there side is a good thing for them. however the Chinese are in panic just like japan knowing that korea (north) could turn on them. it showed world leaders talking about it on the news. and even said it has China, japan The US parts of Europe Australian etc etc in a panic.and this was said on SBS news (witch isnt just full of media hype n bullshit) so yeah your right that they are allies at the momment but in the long run they hate eachother they have fought side by side a few times but they have fought againts eachother alot more look back and you will see. and even tho Japan is the key factor in why the countrys have a hatered for eachother. im just saying dude its a true well known factAdded (25/May/09, 9:00 Pm) ---------------------------------------------
Quote (Menace) and they just tested the missiles people felt it in Russia they tested the missiles in the underground they even admitted in front of the UN security council LOL hmm they didnt show anything about that on SBS i dont think
Menace |
Date: Monday, 25/May/09, 9:08 PM | Message # 13 |
Posts: 6764
Quote (Furious_Pryme) You must'n known much about asia menace...china and korea may be at "peace" and act liek allies but the truth is they hate one another, as a matter of fact Japan, china & korea (theres 2 other asian countrys in this aswell i cant remember witch tho) have been enemies since before the dynasty days cause they have all wanted to make there country bigger. North korea is just acting smart getting china on there side is a good thing for them. however the Chinese are in panic just like japan knowing that korea (north) could turn on them. it showed world leaders talking about it on the news. and even said it has China, japan The US parts of Europe Australian etc etc in a panic.and this was said on SBS news (witch isnt just full of media hype n bullshit) so yeah your right that they are allies at the momment but in the long run they hate eachother they have fought side by side a few times but they have fought againts eachother alot more look back and you will see. and even tho Japan is the key factor in why the countrys have a hatered for eachother. im just saying dude its a true well known fact naah you just to dumb to study some history and political science COMMUNIST COUNTRIES NEVER EVER FIGHT EACH OTHER maybe NK and China in the past had their beef but now THEY ARE HARDCORE ALLIES because the cornerstone of Marxism is PROLETARIAN INTERNATIONALISM in fact China is supplying NK communist countries hating each other or even fearing each other is simply RIDICULOUS because their too dogmatic for that and NK won't attack no one the SOVIET UNION didn't attack the west when their forces were more greater then America's and her allies what makes you think NK will attack someone ?? LOL NATO will wipe that country off the map man this BS is all about money and securing influence not wars there is too much to loose for both NK and the west to start a war