the info of the person who posted this video : Do you understand what the New York Times, and the far left wants? They want to break down the the white Christian male power structure of which you are a part, and so am I..." This accurately describes every Republican's worst nightmare and more specifically Bill's worst nightmare, the fact that the white Christian males might loose a little bit of power and let someone ELSE have some minor bit of power. That's been the case since the 50's and before and it's still the case now.
Sorry Bill O', that document you tout to love so much, the Constitution, says that you are wrong. This is a government for the people, by the people and of the people as Lincoln said and by the very founding documents of this nation we are all supposed to get EQUAL power and EQUAL protection under the law. Religion, race, creed, color are not supposed to matter and usually don't until people with a power trip agenda like yourself come along and make them matter.
Whether you or other racist sectarian assholes out there like it or not. If you don't like it, move to Saudi Arabia I hear they have a thriving sectarian community there. But your ideals are certainly not in the spirit ( or the letter ) of what this nation was founded upon.