10 Key Questions for israeli zionists ” (by Adrian Salbuchi) The time has arrived to promote an open, rigorous and respectful debate on fundamental questions regarding the origins of the extremely dangerous and violent conflict which has exploded in the Middle East, and which today threatens to spread and encompass other regions of the world.
We propose starting this by posing Ten Key Questions to Israeli Zionists from the viewpoint of a very concerned citizen.
Question No. 1: Why do Zionists insist on confusing Zionism with Judaism?
Not all Zionists are Jewish, and not all Jews are Zionists. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Tony Blair, Barack Obama , Negroponte, Bill & Hillary Clinton, and John Bolton - to name but a few very powerful pro-Israeli Zionists - are clearly NOT Jewish. At the same time, writers like Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Juan Gelman, Israel Shamir, the Grand Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum group and the editors of the New York left-wing Jewish journal “Forward” are all Jewish, and yet strongly opposed to Zionism….
Question No. 2: Why do Zionists purposefully seek to harm Jewish communities
in the Diaspora?
As an normal citizen, I am concerned about the fact that Zionists and Israelis confuse Zionism with Judaism on purpose, because this can potentially lead to very negative and unjust reactions on the part of vast population sectors the world over who, ignoring this key differentiation between Zionists and Jews, might end up blaming all Jews for the carnage, injustice and genocide being perpetrated by some militant Zionist Jews in Israel and elsewhere. In my country we are particularly concerned over how this can be detrimental to the peaceful Jewish community residing in our country. To accuse any person critical of Israel and Zionism of being an “Anti-semite” is ludicrous and tantamount to intellectual terrorism because in that way any chance of holding a free and open debate on these complex issues is thwarted and silenced. We urgently need to understand that the way the State of Israel was created over half a century ago bore the seeds of todays increasingly violent conflicts in the Middle East. We need to base our views and opinions on Historical Truth, and not on propaganda and myth. We need to understand what are the true objectives of International Zionism in the whole world. In fact, it would have a very moralizing effect in my country and other countries, if local Jewish community associations and leaders would adopt an inequivocal public stance condemning the barbaric attacks that Israel is carrying out against Palestine and Lebanon.
Question No. 3: Why do Zionists insist on accusing anyone critical of Israel and Zionism of “Antisemitism”?
To even speak of “Antisemitism” in this day and age is absurd and downright hypocritical. “Semitic” is a linguistic category originally coined and used by such 19th Century intellectuals as Wilhelm Marr in Germany, and French philosophers Eduard Renán and Count Arthur de Gobineau who contrasted “Semites” with “Aryans”. Do Zionists now also want us all to start talking about “Aryans”? One can hardly believe that such stupidity can still be seriously voiced in the 21st Century!! If Zionists insist on talking about “Antisemitism”, then they should be reminded that the Arab Nations are also “Semitic”, as they too descendents from Shem, the eldest son of Biblical Noah… Clearly, if Zionists insist on ranting about “the scourge of Antisemitism”, then they should understand that today’s real “Antisemitism” is the bloody persecution of Palestinians, Iraquis and Lebanese (for the most part, “Semites”) at the hands of the genocidal invading forces of the United States, Great Britain and Israel, most of whose top leaders are clearly “Aryans”: Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, Benjamín Netanyaju, George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Dick Cheney, to name but a few, are clearly of “Aryan” stock as they bear no resemblance whatsoever to the poor and suffering “Semites”….
Question No. 4: Why do Zionists martyrize Gaza and the Palestinians?
In 1989, the world freed itself of the shameful Berlin Wall. A few short years later, the State of Isrel replaced it with the even more shameful Gaza Wall, hundreds of kilometers long and 8 meters high, with its military check points, barbed-wire fences and heavily armed soldiers firing at civilians and constantly humiliating the Palestinian people. Israel has turned the Gaza Strip into a massive concentration camp housing half a million civilians living imprisoned with little or no water, sewage, electricity, jobs, schools or hospitals. They lie defenseless before their Zionist captors. Clearly, Israeli leaders have learned much from Auschwitz and the Warsaw Ghetto…