Chinita |
Date: Wednesday, 06/May/09, 0:30 AM | Message # 16 |
Posts: 5823
Quote (Joker13) what on gods green earth is neo soul? neo-soul/nusoul is to r&b what underground is to hip hop... hope that helps r&b are more the mainstream and the neosoul are not into it for fame but use their skills more for getting out a message about culture, politics, life not interested in the media or popularity etc..i would call it the "underground of r&b" for instance..maxwell, alicia keys is one artist that has gone from neosoul to mainstream but she still keeps it real, then u have d'angelo, lauren hill is considered r&b/neo-soul, toni, tone, tony, erik benet, jill scott, musiq soulchild, hill st. soul and so many more that are underground artists. for example, listen to this and her lyrics compared to the r&b you hear in the radio i made this video for it on youtube, hill st. soul - dont forget the getto
eboyd |
Date: Wednesday, 06/May/09, 0:38 AM | Message # 17 |
Posts: 13145
my new theme song
"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"
-T.S. Eliot
battle record:
Chinita |
Date: Wednesday, 06/May/09, 0:53 AM | Message # 18 |
Posts: 5823
Quote (Joker13) those artists aren't really underground they are all really well known 9 times out ten most people already know these people neo soul sounds stupid as all hell and should just be labled as soul plus rnb hasn't even got to the level of fake hip hop has so there isn't a point of having an "underground rnb" no i see what ur saying and some dont want to be underground but thats how it is because mainstream has taken over the crap while these real artists get pushed underground because their lyrics about society, life etc wont make it on the radio.. those artist are known but there are many many underground artists "neo soul" that are out there but you hear them on college stations, local stations etc just like underground hip hop.. some even prefer it that way, neosoul was just the name they were given, a marketing name..but no they dont want to be labled as r&b artists, thats like calling an underground "emcee" a corporatate rapper. thats just the way it is..
Chinita |
Date: Wednesday, 06/May/09, 0:58 AM | Message # 19 |
Posts: 5823
its like this in almost every gene music, like for instance roots raggae are more underground that danchall reggae.. danchall is about making money and having sex and root raggae lets out more of a message. and the hate reggatin because it give reggae a bad name.
Chinita |
Date: Wednesday, 06/May/09, 1:26 AM | Message # 20 |
Posts: 5823
Quote (Joker13) dancehall is a completely different type of music and none of the jamaicans i have ever known have mixed the two or put them in the same category only the fact that they both go back to reggae as there main inspiration exactly, dancehall is way different, there dance is more degrading woman and reggaeton is what they really hate because peope put the two together and they are different.Quote (Joker13) heard it before and once again it's no differnt for what people have been doing for years regardless of being on the radio or not no they are not different, whts different is the new rnb that you hear now they only talk about sex, degrade women in videos, that has changed, neo soul are trying to keep it more 70's soul with a message and a more upbeat sound.
Chinita |
Date: Wednesday, 06/May/09, 1:31 AM | Message # 21 |
Posts: 5823
Quote (Joker13) rihanna doesn't look like she's degrading women or even that pussy chris brown or neyo or any of those other guys except for tpain but lol really tpain who cares true rihanna does'nt do that but they are owned by corporatation, in it for the money..the corporations own them, nusoul are independent or unsigned artists, they wont sign their lives away..
Chinita |
Date: Wednesday, 06/May/09, 1:36 AM | Message # 22 |
Posts: 5823
Quote (Joker13) chris brown or neyo they are mainstream artists owned by the hungy or not..not saying its their fault all the time and some are good rnb artists but most fall into that "greed" money" fame" their goals are not to get out a message about life, commurity, polics, ect..their goal is the be a star one day, one to be bigger then the u see the different?
Chinita |
Date: Wednesday, 06/May/09, 1:45 AM | Message # 23 |
Posts: 5823
Quote (Joker13) neo soul should still be called soul true, they are "soul" people say soul music but its used to seperate the two, marketing name.. but they are still soul music, just nu-soul "underground" then you have the classic soul and neo classic like "sade" would be more neo classic or just classic soul.. its a mess for some that dont get it.. i think tis stupid also but since the music are so different they had to have their own name..ok have a good night.
Chinita |
Date: Wednesday, 06/May/09, 1:52 AM | Message # 24 |
Posts: 5823
se senior good night and feliz cinco de mayo...its over lol
eboyd |
Date: Wednesday, 06/May/09, 3:22 AM | Message # 26 |
Posts: 13145
man, i could listen to this all day! thanks for reminding me chinita! been one of my favs since it came out when i was 9!!! and of course.... 
my new theme song
"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"
-T.S. Eliot
battle record:
Chinita |
Date: Wednesday, 06/May/09, 9:09 AM | Message # 27 |
Posts: 5823
Quote (eboyd) man, i could listen to this all day! thanks for reminding me chinita LOL yw and same here, i listened to that around 5 times yesterday awww bell bivoe dont know if you or anyone remembers these girls, the 90's had some great r&b and soul Xscape - Just Kickin It Zhané - Sending My Love Zhané - Hey Mr. D.J. "93" wow the memories i have when this song played...this beat was hot and smooth
Chinita |
Date: Wednesday, 06/May/09, 1:17 PM | Message # 28 |
Posts: 5823
LoveThatHipHop |
Date: Wednesday, 06/May/09, 7:48 PM | Message # 29 |
Posts: 209
^^^^^^^^ I HAVEN'T HEARD THAT SONG IN SO LONG I loved it in Brown Sugar. Erykah has always been my favorite female artist in neo soul. I remember this from a while back when: Her new CD was really good too. this was my favorite track:
Because I'm cool like dat. I'm chill like dat. I'm peace like dat.
El_Matador |
Date: Wednesday, 20/May/09, 4:05 PM | Message # 30 |
Posts: 3347
PROPABLY MY FAV TRACK FROM 80S!!!! v v v v v Commodores - Nightshift (for memories of Marvin Gaye)
MENACE 2 JOKER: Go back to Mexico you damn spic JOKER 2 MENACE: Shut up you fake nigga your a damn sand nigger not a full nigger 