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Who the hell is Wiz Kalifah??
Adam Date: Monday, 20/Dec/10, 6:47 PM | Message # 31

Posts: 3793
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Quote (Uncharted)
yea i always thought curren$y was way better than wiz khalifa, i think he's like a more lyrical version of wiz

yeah cuz they so lyrical just currensy is more

Lord_Meth Date: Monday, 20/Dec/10, 10:26 PM | Message # 32

Posts: 6627
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Quote (Adam)
yeah cuz they so lyrical just currensy is more

Haha lol ur sarcasm is refreshing lol

Sick With It
eboyd Date: Tuesday, 21/Dec/10, 3:51 PM | Message # 33

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Currensy isn't bad. Wiz is a bit annoying. this shit just pisses me off tho:

and on this i actually preferred Wiz and Wale to Currensy but still thought it didn't touch the original:

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Lord_Meth Date: Tuesday, 21/Dec/10, 7:38 PM | Message # 34

Posts: 6627
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I never bothered listening to Currency..Aparrently alot of people think he better than Wiz so I guess Ill check him out some time

Sick With It
Adam Date: Tuesday, 21/Dec/10, 7:47 PM | Message # 35

Posts: 3793
Reputation: 5

eboyd Date: Tuesday, 21/Dec/10, 11:40 PM | Message # 36

Posts: 13145
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Quote (Adam)

i'm not.

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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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PNobleDaLyricist Date: Wednesday, 22/Dec/10, 0:04 AM | Message # 37

Posts: 1398
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i like wiz way more den currensy but currensy was out longer, he used 2 shit on lil wayne on songs when he was signed to cash money...dats y wayne held him back and currensy left, but i cant stand his voice

wiz remind me of dat do or die twista bone thugs type of rap without da fast rap n ofcoarse but u no da hip-hop mixture with a lil sprinkle of weed and R&B n dats wat i was raised around so i appeal to wiz more

Added (22/Dec/10, 0:04 Am)
wiz is lyrically average doe, dont expect him to get in let alone win any rap battles


RHHF rap

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eboyd Date: Wednesday, 22/Dec/10, 0:04 AM | Message # 38

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (PNobleDaLyricist)
i cant stand his voice

i feel you on that but lyrically Wiz is kind of wack and his remake of "Runnin'" was a fucking disgrace.

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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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PNobleDaLyricist Date: Wednesday, 22/Dec/10, 0:23 AM | Message # 39

Posts: 1398
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Quote (eboyd)
i feel you on that but lyrically Wiz is kind of wack and his remake of "Runnin'" was a fucking disgrace.

bro no new school remake can fuck with an original

(we saw it in the cream remix lol)

but i applaud him for trying...how many new school niggas even remember pharcyde runnin? bringin old school to da new school...is it gone be better? of coarse not, but its betta den da crap on da radio...and black and yellow lol

Added (22/Dec/10, 0:23 Am)
but yea lyrically he aint special but everything else he do is on point


RHHF rap

16-7-0 69%(if u round its 70% doe) tournaments won =1

tournament record: 4-3

exhibition record: 12-4

eboyd Date: Wednesday, 22/Dec/10, 0:31 AM | Message # 40

Posts: 13145
Reputation: 2
Quote (PNobleDaLyricist)
but i applaud him for trying...how many new school niggas even remember pharcyde runnin? bringin old school to da new school...is it gone be better? of coarse not, but its betta den da crap on da radio...and black and yellow lol

i would give him credit if he would've shouted out Dilla and/or The Pharcyde on the track, even though i think the track itself if wack, but he didn't, so i don't see it as a tribute, but more as him biting something that was already dope. in the 90's this shit would have been seen as wack as fuck and he wouldn't be able to show his face in the industry ever again.

and me personally as an artist, if i'm gonna remake a track i'll only do it because either i really think i can make a superior version or i want to give the track tribute and/or raise my fanbase's awareness of the track/artist. this is something i discussed with my man Mnemonic who is doing an album with Fatlip from the Pharcyde and who has been given clearance to defend the name of the Pharcyde.

Quote (PNobleDaLyricist)
but yea lyrically he aint special but everything else he do is on point

part of emceeing is lyrics. you have to be something special or at least be able to hang lyrically or you aren't real. that's just the fact of the matter and you have been around real hip hop long enough to know this bro. your rhymes are far doper than Wiz's.

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"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"

-T.S. Eliot

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Lord_Meth Date: Wednesday, 22/Dec/10, 1:11 AM | Message # 41

Posts: 6627
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Quote (eboyd)
your rhymes are far doper than Wiz's.

I co-sign this ^^^^^

Sick With It
Joker13 Date: Saturday, 22/Jan/11, 6:34 AM | Message # 42

Posts: 391
Reputation: 1
curren$y is crazy i've been following him for a while.. i dunno why he spits with wiz though.. cause wiz is straight trash

ilikebacon3000 Date: Sunday, 23/Jan/11, 4:36 AM | Message # 43

Posts: 3979
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Quote (eboyd)
in the 90's this shit would have been seen as wack as fuck and he wouldn't be able to show his face in the industry ever again.

Cause the game evolves?

No personal dis to eboyd or anyone at all... But I just get sick of hearing hiphop heads bitch and moan about every single damn mainstream artist that comes out.
On a global scale, none of this shit matters at all. We're gonna die in 100 years and we will soon be forgotten, and within another 200 so years, today's music whether it be underground or mainstream, will all be thrown into the same category: "2000's music".

So all I'm saying is.. Oh I don't even know what I'm saying. Sometimes I feel like I'm just surrounded by elitists. I don't even like Wiz, but come on people, really? Is it really worth your time to worry about it?
Just listen to what you like. And don't get all butthurt cause he's shining. Truth be told, the real music (whether it be hiphop, punk, whatever) will rarely get the respect it deserves. The industry is a machine and it just doesn't work in realness's favor. I can't blame it. The truth is goddamn depressing and sometimes I feel like just listening to some dumb shit like "Black and Yellow" rather than getting all philosophical or complicated or some shit. I'm not always in the mood for real shit. Kill me for saying that, it's whatever. You know?

Again, no diss to anyone. Just saying, it's not worth the time. I'm here because I like hiphop, most of which tends to be underground/old, not because I hate the mainstream.

Life's a bitch and I'm just along for the ride.
Greeny Date: Sunday, 23/Jan/11, 9:15 AM | Message # 44

Posts: 1031
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No, quite opposite, it devolves, lyrical quality especially is getting worse and worse.

Since we'll all be forgotten or be put in the same category by our ignorant children's children we shouldn't bother to make good quality shit? You're also implying that hip hop won't survive that long. Don't say nothing matters because we'll all die and be forgotten one time, that's some emo shit bro.

I'm very much with you on the last line though. We should focus the positive energy on RHHF, not the negative energy.
I tend to bitch about poptards sometimes though, but that's because they confuse their shit with hip hop, and when people are being prejudice faggots about hip hop, confusing pop's and neorap's qualities with hip hop's qualities. I really do hate the ignorance that was created by that mainstream shit.

ilikebacon3000 Date: Sunday, 23/Jan/11, 2:25 PM | Message # 45

Posts: 3979
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Quote (Greeny)
Don't say nothing matters because we'll all die and be forgotten one time, that's some emo shit bro.

Well I didn't mean for it to come out all emo.. I just mean that 500 years from now, it won't matter, so we might as well just try and be happy.

But yeah I see what you're saying... How people call Lil Wayne "hiphop" and whatnot. Sure, his music has a few (by a few I mean 2 or 3) that are in hiphop, but it's not hiphop music.

Life's a bitch and I'm just along for the ride.