Audacity Limited Edition Package by Epsilon Project - Production by: Seize, Ohno, DJ Vadim, Kev Brown, Preme and moreHCP (Hispanics Causing Panic) FT. SICK JACKEN, SINFUL (EL PECADOR) "LA VERDAD"
November has been officially recognized as National Runaway & Homeless Youth Awareness Month It is likely that 200,000 youth ages 12 to17, along with thousands of 18 to 24 year-olds, experience homelessness over the course of a year in California. Many youth in foster care, juvenile justice, and mental health become homeless when they transition out of these systems without the support and opportunities for housing and employment they need.November has been officially recognized as National Runaway & Homeless Youth Awareness Month by the United States Congress since 2007. It is also National Runaway Prevention Month. For the past several years, California Coalition For Youth (CCY) has participated in the national planning committee for The National Runaway Prevention Month, and has made efforts to do activities in Sacramento and throughout the state to raise awareness about runaway and homeless youth in California. The California Homeless Youth Project (HYP), a joint project of the California Research Bureau and the California Council on Youth Relations, has also been involved in research and policy education efforts in Sacramento and throughout the state.Together, they are building a coalition of individual, organizational and legislative supporters for the first-ever California Runaway & Homeless Youth Month. Supporting, and implementing a range of activities throughout the state to increase awareness, advocacy, and action on behalf of homeless youth in California; they hope to capitalize on the recent traction the issue of youth homelessness has gained and work to coordinate a better and broader action agenda.Support these organizations,support our children,don't turn the other way.
The Grateful Dread by dr. Oop