Sha Stimuli - Monday Ramble 33 Wake Up and Go GirlAdded by: RealHipHopForever, 14/Mar/11 | Comments: 0
FiswaT Channel Presents: Dyad Souls - Execution Styles (Feat. Jnyce + Shallow Pockets of Psych Ward, Sean Strange)Fiswat Channel Presents-Dyad Souls a hardcore hip hop duo from Australia, comprised of Dario Argento and Mario Bava. "Execution Styles" from their upcoming album "Terminally ILL" set to drop April 30, 2011 on GOLDMINDED RECORDS
Added by: RealHipHopForever, 13/Mar/11 | Comments: 0
Son of Saturn & Apakalypse - Time Waits For No One/Download The Revolt Motion 2011 Sampler -38 Tracks The first official Revolt Motion Sampler, this is not an album but a collection of some previously released tracks, as well as some exclusive tracks from RMR artists. Every one in the camp is present in a big way on this massive collection of 38 tracks, all available for free download. If you are only familiar with one or a few of the amazing artists on this label, then make sure you grab this and familiarize your self with all the other talent Revolt Motion Recordings has to offer.
Added by: RealHipHopForever, 13/Mar/11 | Comments: 0
White Mic " the neighborhood visitor (17 TRACK ALBUM - Free)
Added by: RealHipHopForever, 13/Mar/11 | Comments: 0