Shai Mate - Back to the Basics (Video)"Back To The Basics is a modern rendition of The Pharcyde's video Drop from the perspective of a growing young artist (Shai Mate) and the struggles he faces while embarking on this journey. With an emphasis on artistic creativity, the video features Young Mac, a Vancouver break-dancer, who helped bring the video full circle by bringing versatility to the project."
Kool Keith - Who's The Man (Official Video)Nearly two months ago, hip-hop's favorite quirky uncle, Kool Keith, hinted that he would be stepping away from the rap arena, that he was hanging up the MC gloves, or as he so poignantly put it, going home to the bat cave to take his cape off. This announcement accompanied the release of Love & Danger, the 13th album of Keith's illustrious career, which, just announced by Keith's label Junkadelic Music, will receive a vinyl release this fall.
King RA - K.I.N.G. R.A. (Video) King RA enters the 4th week of The Summer Heatwave Video Series with another heatrock verse and quality visual. It's obvious this dude is not letting up at all and he's keeping his foot on the necks of competition.