The brand new video from Murs & 9th Wonder's final collaboration, "The Final Adventure," in stores November 13th! Pre-order now at
Rebel Diaz- "Revolution Has Come". Produced by the IGC. Directed by Sense Hernandez of Beast Factory Films. Off the upcoming album, Radical Dilemma.
Our goal with this song is to convey the message that Revolution is Love. It's what no one can take away from our communities- love for humanity. In the face of structural violence like racism, underfunded schools, and inadequate housing, our weapons of defense are education, sustainability, and community building. We don't promote voting every 4 years, we say vote everyday with your actions and serve the community!
Where to purchase the song: (Please buy this song directly from us for $1 at payloadz - we are trying cut out the middle man)
D Strong & Dave Sparkz bring you the World Premier Anime Video for "Invasion" a Science Fiction/Fantasy/Thriller off their 2012 release "Unfold" All Artwork and Animation by Orign of Futprnts Workshop 2012