Quote (ilikebacon3000)
Is this really like shrooms or acid or LSD or DTM?
helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll fuggin no...
if u wana kno what a real trip is like...
imagine your self no longer being youself...
taking youself away from this world litterly and not filling like your human anymore...
imagine being so fugged up u dont kno if ur human or the fuggin couch your sitting on...
ive seen almost every drug your could think of in action cuz i used to live in a drug infested neiborhood...
and all my homies from high school fell into shit like this...and all it did was make um dumber and dumber day by day....i litterly watched my friends lose there heads...to the point where all they knew was drugs..
i would imagine your stll pretty young and have the curiosity of trying shiz like that...
but dawg...do u self a favor and just aim straight away from stuff like that....
it all sounds like fun n games when some is like oh "dawg that shit was crazy....i saw a elf runnin from a talking hamburger" or something stupid n random like that...
but to be honest with u almost more then half of the ppl who try shiz like this out of no where have bad trips...
i kno almost too much about the drug world ..but somehow i never really fell in...
but alll i kno is its the most fugged up thing i kno in existence ...
and its the most disguised...
sorry for my long speech but if i could steer a curious mind away from shiz like this ill doo w/e it takes..