This here... this shit here will either be and epic fail or an epic win.
i use audacity and the tracks fall out of time randomly and i'm too lazy to get them EXACTLY on since i don't record much, but it's pretty close... i made it in like 20 minutes. i'm not really a beatboxer.
everything was made using something from my body, no homo. beatbox, slapping my hand, etc. all organic sounds lol.
this is a joke so don't take it serious you guys lol
Thank you kind sir! I never really thought it was dope myself (it meaning making music with organic sounds). I was expecting to get made fun of and for no one to like it
it's original, funny, and it actually sounds kinda dope for some comedy shit. reminds me of a comedic version of some shit i'd hear cLOUDDEAD do and also a lot less experimental. my new theme song
"True poetry can communicate before it is understood"
i actually record ALOT of comedic shit... i just don't share it on here because i'm sure it would offend some people. it's mostly satirical country music making fun of the people i'm surrounded by.. which are racists and homophobes. for example, i recorded one today with a friend about a man who loves glenn beck (NO HOMO FOR THIS GUY!! NOT THE AMERICAN!) and he goes on a racist rant in the middle of the song about jews controlling the media. it's all in good humor. i'm not trying to actually MAKE FUN of the people i'm talking about in the songs. it's satire, i think thats what its called at least. making fun of the people i'm imitating, and their ignorance. i just don't wanna start a shitstorm with people thinking i'm a homophobic hillbilly nascar driving racist lol.
oh. and there are alot of songs about incest pig fucking type shit. i swear, outside of town in the boondocks down by the canadian river, there are some bigass redneck dumbfucks. AMERICA! LAND OF THE AWESOME!
Lol thanks dude! Much apperciated.. definite self-esteem booster... (even if it's coming from a self-proclaimed homosexual).
I'll email you some shit first and let you hear it, just so you can hear it first and tell me if you think it's too much. It's alot like how King Missile (a punk band) does satire. they are rude and offensive but they are exposing some reality at the same time.. and at the very least, it's funny as hell.
I'll probably send some on Monday night. i'm gonna be with some buds for the next two days recording so I'll have some more shit done by then
i actually like it too lol i reckon erik should try rapping over it
btw just to clear things up you have to eat marmite on toast, but you can't put too much on, you have to scrape it on the toast really lightly over the butter and it tastes nice