lol a related video to that video is a punk rock song called Bloody Revolution lol man i LOVE CRASS and anarcho punk rock and the video and LOL Alex Jones is a two way mother Alex clearly uses his conspiracy theories in converting people to the left but still nice video and it is true neo-liberal globalization and neo-con's struggle to get power this will bring the end of this world human nature doesn't allow us to subjugate under one global system
lol a related video to that video is a punk rock song called Bloody Revolution lol man i LOVE CRASS and anarcho punk rock and the video and LOL Alex Jones is a two way mother Alex clearly uses his conspiracy theories in converting people to the left but still nice video
lol really? yea its a great video though "the message"
ol really? yea its a great video though "the message"
ohh yes of course great message tough i agree whit Alex Jones on many things but he is a absolutist so thats the total opposite to what i believe like anarchism and direct democracy