I don't think so, just shows the perspective of one guy, he dies and he's kinda floating around watching whats happening to his sister and friends, the whole movie is through his eyes. it doesn't glorify drugs if anything it makes it look bad, there's a lot of flashing lights and shit and a lot of weird sex scenes http://chirbit.com/emseed http://youtube.com/siwooot
haven't watched it except the DMT scene but I really want to. not sure if i should watch it sober first or on drugs right away, i know it's awesome but it's also supposed to be super intense.
on a random note fritz the cat is awesome haha, my friend and i stumbled upon it randomly on netflix one day and were amazed Rep the bay
I watched half of Fritz the cat and half of Enter the Void again then went to sleep, those movies combined into one and gave me a really really fucked up dream lol. I saw people saying they were on lsd watching the movie then fell asleep and had bad nightmares, so probably best to watch it sober the first time http://chirbit.com/emseed http://youtube.com/siwooot
lol I've watch this movie every night now, idk why but i have to watch it before i go to sleep, i've even got it loading now. the dmt scene is really cool, but i also like how he's floating over everything and the movie is like going through his memories, it reveals why he started selling drugs etc, such a cool movie http://chirbit.com/emseed http://youtube.com/siwooot