OK, well, i'll keep the article here for safe keeping and we will figure out how to get it to stay next time: Real Hip Hop Forever (RHHF) is a group of hip hop artists and fans who support underground and old school hip hop. The main goal of the group is to "balance the airwaves," or in other words, to get an even amount of airplay for all forms of hip hop on the radio and television.[1] They own a website, have a YouTube Group and a MySpace Page and they are working on a few other projects such as a [mixtape], building a new site and getting involved in social movements.
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[edit] History of Real Hip Hop Forever
(From RHHF website)
This group was started in early 2007 by DJ Just One, a DJ from Bronx, New York, on YouTube under the pseudonym J1fromtheBX. After asking Erik Boyd, to join his group, he became the co-founder of the group. They began brainstorming and inviting new members until they had well over 200 members, a MySpace account, a YouTube account and two email addresses to reach them at and to support their various accounts on the net, not to mention beginning a mixtape project called Real Hip Hop Forever Mixtape Vol. 1. In late 2007, they began thinking of this, not as just a YouTube Group, but as a movement. They began exploring the possibilities of making RHHF into a business and having a big part in assisting the reintegration of hip hop. They began having business meetings and discussing the possibilities of radio stations, both local and internet, promotion, and finally, a website. Unfortunately, in early 2008, just after the first Anniversary of their group, DJ Just One had his YouTube account deleted due to copyright infringement. Because of the strong bond between their members, who all consider each other family, when Just One opened a new account (DakidJ1fromtheBX) and a new group, they came back stronger then ever, reaching an all time high attendance and gaining more active members than ever before. So after several months of trying to get resources together, they started this site, thanks to Ionut Bodescu (AceKat00o on YouTube) of Romania. [2]
[edit] List of Original Members
DJ Just One (Founder)
Erik Boyd (Co-Founder)
Victor Newman
Juni Odor (Trigger The Soldier)
Dennis The Menace" Yusuf
Nate Kastro
Ionut Bodescu
Lin Que (from the X-Clan)
Roger Suggs (Vigalantee)
[edit] External Links
Current Website
Old Website
Current YouTube Group
Old YouTube Group
YouTube Profile
MySpace Profile