Black Sheep Lyrics:
dres flow can sound pretty old school on some songs kinda like masta ace, but he did actually switch it up too. he also came lyrical when he needed to, i thought dre's rhymes and punches were quite creative.
the song topics are the kind anyone can enjoy and relate to with subject matter being party music and chill music which i like, a few of the songs also dealt with Black Sheeps feelings about their time in the industry after so many years and still being broke. There was even a bit of consciousness with the song "Power To The Pih-Poh" featuring Rhymefest Even when the rhymes may not be so clever i still enjoyed it because it made me feel good just to hear. They also had a song "Important Fact" which used a sample kinda like "its a hardknock life" which i thought was dope, the song was actually a bit like a braggadicio type track (but maybe that was just the first guys verse) but i enjoyed it because it was the only of its kind on the album and i don't mind those tracks at all as long as they don't dominate the subject matter which it didn't. you might think the sample "get some money, get some money" is mainstream but i enjoyed it anyway, i thought it worked well.
guest appearances were all good, there was a reunion of Native Tongues on the song Birds of a Feather with Q-Tip, Mike Gee & Trugoy Dove. AZ came on the song Winner and did what he often does, totally steal the show with a sick as verse. Jean Grae also had a feature on the song Party Tonight and i thought she had the best verse on that song too, i've noticed she's gotten so much better lyrically these days coz this is the second time this year i've heard her have the best verse on a track out of other guys.
i liked the production on almost every song, the first 5 songs were all dope beats all in a row, the first song Splash also used the same sample Madlib used in the Strong Arm Steady song Best of Times. my fave beats from the album were Splash, Party Tonight, Come Back Home, Important Fact, & Birds of a Feather. there was only one song on this album i didn't like, and that was Muy Beno featuring Rosie Perez, that song was actually terrible, the jazz horns were so over bearing, nothing i liked about the song. but fortunatley that was the only song i really didn't like, i wasn't feeling Born To Che that much mostly coz of the repetitive chorus but i can get past that. i enjoyed all the other songs.
Overall Rating: 82%
favorite songs
Party Tonight, Come Back Home, Splash, Important Fact & Birds of a Feather
is it worth buying? if you like the songs then hell yeah, to me this seems like the kind of album to listen to while smoking or drinking or just after you've smoked and are just chilling high in late at night, so if you like the songs and are a fan of ATCQ or Black Sheep i'd say its worth buying or at least downloading if you're cheap or only kinda like it.