Request any kind of battle here. rules for battles: Text Battle:
Round 1: 8 Bars
Round 2: 16 Bars
Round 3: Unlimited
Tag Team Text Battle:
Round 1: 8 Bars
Round 2: 16 Bars
Round 3: Unlimited
Beat Battle:
Round 1: No Rules
Round 2: Themed Beat (theme picked by both battlers)
Round 3: Experimental Beat (only rule is to make something really unconventional)
Use the audio embedding option ([aud io](insert URL here)[/audio]) to post a beat. must be mp3 format.
Recorded Rap Battle:
Round 1: 8 Bars
Round 2: 12 Bars
Round 3: 16 Bars
Use the audio embedding option ([aud io](insert URL here)[/audio]) to post a rap. must be mp3 format.
Graffiti Battle:
Pick A Word
Round 1: Tag
Round 2: Throwup
Round 3: Piece
post images using these brackets: [im g](URL here)[/img] (no photobucket)
BBoy/Girl Battle:
post videos using these brackets: [v ideo](URL here)[/video] (YouTube preferred)
Beatbox Battle:
Use the audio embedding option ([aud io](insert URL here)[/audio]) to post audio. must be mp3 format.